
Models as a Service

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Models as a Service


Model Serving

Red Hat SSO

  • Create the project rh-sso.
  • Deploy the Red Hat Single Sign-On operator in the rh-sso namespace.
  • Create a Keycloak instance using keycloak.yaml.
  • Create a rhoai KeycloakRealm using keycloakrealm-maas.yaml.
  • Open the Red Hat Single Sign-on console (route in the Routes section, access credentials in Secrets->credentials-rh-sso).
  • Switch to the Rhoai realm: rhoai-realm.png
  • In the Clients section, create a new client named 3scale, of type openid-connect: add-client.png
  • Adjust the following:
    • Access Type: confidential
    • Enable only Standard Flow, leave all other toggle to off.
    • For the moment, set Valid Redirect URLs to *. 3scale_client.png
    • From the Credentials section, take note of the Secret.
    • In the Mappers sections, create two new mappers:
      • Click on Add Builtin, select email verified and click on Add selected. You will end up with this mapping configuration: email_verified.png
      • Click on Create, enter Name org_name, Mapper Type User Attribute, User Attribute email, Token Claim Name org_name, Claim JSON type string, first 3 switches to on. org_name_mapper.png
    • In this configuration, the organization name for a user will be the same as the user email. This is to achieve full separation of the accounts. Adjust to your likings.
  • Create an IdentityProvider to connect your Realm to Red Hat authentication system. The important sections are Trust Email to enable, and set Sync Mode to import. google_identity_provider.png



  • OpenShift Data Foundation deployed to be able to create an RWX volume for 3Scale system storage.


  • Create the project 3scale.

  • Open a Terminal and login to OpenShift.

  • Switch to the folder deployment/3scale/remove_bearer_policy and run the following command:

    oc create secret generic cp-bearer \
        -n 3scale \
    --from-file=./apicast-policy.json \
    --from-file=./init.lua \
  • Deploy the Red Hat Integration-3scale operator in the 3scale namespace only!

  • Using the deployed operator, create an APIManager instance using deployment/3scale/apimanager.yaml.

  • Wait for all the Deployments (15) to finish.

  • Create a Custom Policy Definition instance using deployment/3scale/custom_policy_definition.yaml.


Base configuration

  • Open the 3Scale administration portal for the RHOAI provider. It will be the Route starting with https://maas-admin-apps....

  • The credentails are stored in the Secret system-seed (ADMIN_USER and ADMIN_PASSWORD).

  • You will be greated by the Wizard that you can directly close: 3scale-wizard-close.png.

  • In the Account Settings sections (top menu):

    • In Overview, adjust the Account Details to your provider name and Timezone. account_details.png
  • Let's start by doing some cleanup:

    • In the Products section, click on the default API product: API-product-default.png
    • In the top right, click on edit: API-product-default-edit.png
    • In the Backends section, delete the default API Backend: API-backend-default.png

Backends and Products

  • We will start by adding the different Backends to our models:
    • In the Backends section, create a new one for Granite. The Private Base URL is the one from the Service exposed by the model: new-backend-granite.png
    • Do the same for the other models/endpoints. all-backends.png
  • We can now create the Products. There will be one for each Backend. all-products.png
  • For each product, apply the following configurations:
    • In Integration->Settings, change the Auth user key field content to Authorization and the Credentials location field to As HTTP Headers (click on Update product at the bottom to save): settings-authorization.png
    • Link the corresponding Backend
    • Add the Policies in this order:
      1. CORS Request Handling:
        1. ALLOW_HEADERS: Authorization, Content-type, Accept.
        2. allow_origine: *
        3. allow_credentials: checked
      2. Remove Bearer from Authorization Policy
      3. 3scale APIcast
    • Add the Methods and the corresponding Mapping Rules: create one pair for each API method/path. methods.png
    • From the Integration->Configuration menu, promote the configuration to staging then production.
    • Along the way you can cleanup the unwanted default Products and Backends.


  • For each Product, from the Applications->Application Plans menu, create a new Application Plan. standard_application_plan.png
  • Once created, leave the Default plan to "No plan selected" so that users can choose their services for their applications, and publish it: publish_plan.png
  • In Applications->Settings->Usage Rules, set the Default Plan to Default. This will allow the users to see the different available Products. service_plan_default.png

Portal configuration

  • Switch to the Audience section from the top menu.
  • In Developer Portal->Settings->Domains and Access, remove the Developer Portal Access Code.
  • In Developer Portal->Settings->SSO Integrations, create a new SSO Integration: of type Red Hat Single Sign On.
    • Client: 3scale
    • Client secret: ************
    • Realm: https://keycloak-rh-sso.apps.prod.rhoai.rh-aiservices-bu.com/auth/realms/maas (adjust to your cluster domain name).
    • Published ticked.
    • Once created, edit the RH-SSO to tick the checkbox Always approve accounts... 3scale_sso.png
    • You can now test the authentication flow.

Portal content

  • Go to Developer Portal->Content.
  • From the deployment/3scale/portal folder, apply all the modifications to the different pages and Publish them.
  • The content of this folder is arranged following the same organization of the site.
  • New Pages may have to be created with the type depending of the type of content (html, javascript, css), some others have only to be modified.