This is a simple library, which allows to detect device emulators. It has easy API and written on Kotlin with Coroutines.
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Example of usage can be found here.
To get device state you need to set up EmulatorDetector and launch check in a coroutine:
val emulatorDetector: EmulatorDetector = EmulatorDetector.Builder(this)
.checkSensors() // detector will check device sensors
.checkProperties() // detector will check device parameters
socourineScope.launch {
val state = emulatorDetector.getState() // suspend function, which calculates and returns device state (emulator/not emulator)
You can also get an explanation, why the device recognized as an emulator:
if (state is DeviceState.Emulator) {
val source: VerdictSource = state.source
when (source) {
is VerdictSource.Properties -> {
val suspectDeviceProperties: List<Pair<String, String>> = source.suspectDeviceProperties
is VerdictSource.Sensors -> {
val suspectSensorValues: List<FloatArray> = source.suspectSensorValues
Library checks following device parameters:
- Build identifier (fingerprint)
- Hardware name
- Device board
- Device model
- Device name
- Device brand
- Device manufacturer
- Product name
And checks following sensors: