

This is a simple Java online food ordering service application.
The main purpose of this project is to mimic the working of a commercial online food order app.
It consists of a login/create account page, a menu to choose food items, and options to display/delete items in wishlist/cart/orders.

Applications/Development environment used

  • Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 17.0.1+12-LTS-39)
  • MySQL 8.0
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code v1.64.0

Tables used

  • USERS: Stores the username and password of each user of the application
  • ITEMS: Stores the details of all the food items that are avaiable for purchase
  • WISHLIST: Stores the items that the users would like to add to their wishlist
  • CART: Stores the items that the users are planning to purchase
  • ORDERS: Stores the orders that have been placed by the customer

Although in general there are 5 tables, each user will have their own tables for storing the items in wishlist, cart, orders.
These tables are named as username_WISHLIST, username_CART, username_ORDERS respectively.
As each new user is created, 3 new tables are created dynamically.

Table structure

Structure of USERS:

| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| USERNAME | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| PASSWORD | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

Structure of ITEMS:

| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ITEMNAME | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| PRICE    | int         | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

Structure of WISHLIST:

| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ID       | int         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| ITEMNAME | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| QTY      | int         | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| PRICE    | int         | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

Structure of CART:

| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ID       | int         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| ITEMNAME | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| QTY      | int         | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| PRICE    | int         | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

Structure of ORDERS:

| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ID       | int         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| ITEMNAME | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| QTY      | int         | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| PRICE    | int         | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

Classes used in the program

  • Main: Program execution starts here.
    The USERS and ITEMS table is created here.
    User creation and login is done in this class. An object of class User is created everytime a new user is created.
    This object is stored in an array of objects in Main that contains all the users.

  • User: Stores the username and password of each user of the application.
    Contains arrays of objects to store items (objects) that are to be stored in Wishlist, Cart, or Orders.
    Provides methods view and delete items from the user's wishlist/cart/orders.

  • Item: Stores the details of all the food items that are avaiable for purchase.
    An object of this class is stored in the ArrayList present in Wishlist/Cart/Order classes.

  • Wishlist: Stores the items that the users would like to add to their wishlist.
    Contains an ArrayList that stores objects of Item class.

  • Cart: Stores the items that the users are planning to purchase.
    Contains an ArrayList that stores objects of Item class.

  • Order: Stores the orders that have been placed by the customer.
    Contains an ArrayList that stores objects of Item class.

Program flow

  1. Create user
  2. Login using username and password
  3. Display menu for choosing food items
  4. Choose items to add to cart/wishlist
  5. Get quanitity of item chosen
  6. Calculate total
  7. Add chosen items to cart/wishlist
  8. View or delete items from cart/wishlist
  9. Place/delete order

The output is as follows:

|           Online Food Order Service            |
|                    1. Login                    |
|                2. Create account               |
|                    3. Exit                     |
Enter choice: 1
Enter username: ok
Enter password: ok

Invalid username/password.

|           Online Food Order Service            |
|                    1. Login                    |
|                2. Create account               |
|                    3. Exit                     |
Enter choice: 2
Enter username: ok
Enter password: ok

Account created successfully.

|           Online Food Order Service            |
|                    1. Login                    |
|                2. Create account               |
|                    3. Exit                     |
Enter choice: 1
Enter username: ok
Enter password: ok

Invalid username/password.

Welcome ok!

|          MENU         |
|1. Buy food            |
|2. View wishlist       |
|3. View cart           |
|4. View orders         |
|5. Exit to login page  |
Enter choice: 2

Wishlist is empty.
|          MENU         |
|1. Buy food            |
|2. View wishlist       |
|3. View cart           |
|4. View orders         |
|5. Exit to login page  |
Enter choice: 3

Cart is empty.
|          MENU         |
|1. Buy food            |
|2. View wishlist       |
|3. View cart           |
|4. View orders         |
|5. Exit to login page  |
Enter choice: 4

No orders placed.
|          MENU         |
|1. Buy food            |
|2. View wishlist       |
|3. View cart           |
|4. View orders         |
|5. Exit to login page  |
Enter choice: 1

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist:
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 1
Add to - 1. Cart, 2. Wishlist: 2
Enter quantity: 2

Item added successfully.

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist: 
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 2
Add to - 1. Cart, 2. Wishlist: 2
Enter quantity: 2

Item added successfully.

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist: 
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 3
Add to - 1. Cart, 2. Wishlist: 2
Enter quantity: 3

Item added successfully.

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist:
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 7

|ID   |Item name           |Quantity            |Item total          |
|1    |ITEM 1              |2                   |200                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |2                   |300                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |3                   |525                 |

1. Remove item from wishlist
2. Remove all items from wishlist
3. Add all items to cart
4. Return to items menu
Enter choice: 1
Enter ID of item to remove: 2

Item successfully removed from wishlist.

|ID   |Item name           |Quantity            |Item total          |
|1    |ITEM 1              |2                   |200                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |3                   |525                 |

1. Remove item from wishlist
2. Remove all items from wishlist
3. Add all items to cart
4. Return to items menu
Enter choice: 3

Items added to cart.

|ID   |Item name           |Quantity            |Item total          |
|1    |ITEM 1              |2                   |200                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |3                   |525                 |

1. Remove item from wishlist
2. Remove all items from wishlist
3. Add all items to cart
4. Return to items menu
Enter choice: 2

All items removed from wishlist successfully.

Wishlist is empty.

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist:
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 8

|ID   |Item name           |Quantity            |Item total          |
|1    |ITEM 1              |2                   |200                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |3                   |525                 |
                                                Total: 725
1. Remove item from cart
2. Remove all items from cart
3. Checkout
4. Return to items menu
Enter choice: 4

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist:
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 4
Add to - 1. Cart, 2. Wishlist: 2
Enter quantity: 4

Item added successfully.

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist:
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 8

|ID   |Item name           |Quantity            |Item total          |
|1    |ITEM 1              |2                   |200                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |3                   |525                 |
                                                Total: 725
1. Remove item from cart
2. Remove all items from cart
3. Checkout
4. Return to items menu
Enter choice: 4

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist:
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 7

|ID   |Item name           |Quantity            |Item total          |
|4    |ITEM 4              |4                   |900                 |

1. Remove item from wishlist
2. Remove all items from wishlist
3. Add all items to cart
4. Return to items menu
Enter choice: 3

Items added to cart.

|ID   |Item name           |Quantity            |Item total          |
|4    |ITEM 4              |4                   |900                 |

1. Remove item from wishlist
2. Remove all items from wishlist
3. Add all items to cart
4. Return to items menu
Enter choice: 2

All items removed from wishlist successfully.

Wishlist is empty.

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist:
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 8

|ID   |Item name           |Quantity            |Item total          |
|1    |ITEM 1              |2                   |200                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |3                   |525                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |4                   |900                 |
                                                Total: 1625
1. Remove item from cart
2. Remove all items from cart
3. Checkout
4. Return to items menu
Enter choice: 3

Order successfully placed.

Cart is empty.

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist:
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 9

|ID   |Item name           |Quantity            |Item total          |
|1    |ITEM 1              |2                   |200                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |3                   |525                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |4                   |900                 |
                                                Total: 1625
1. Cancel orders
2. Cancel all orders
3. Return to items menu
Enter choice: 1
Enter ID of order to cancel: 4

Order cancelled.

|ID   |Item name           |Quantity            |Item total          |
|1    |ITEM 1              |2                   |200                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |3                   |525                 |
                                                Total: 725
1. Cancel orders
2. Cancel all orders
3. Return to items menu
Enter choice: 2

All orders cancelled successfully.

No orders placed.

Choose an item (sno) to add to cart or wishlist:
|Sno. |Item name           |Price               |
|1    |ITEM 1              |100                 |
|2    |ITEM 2              |150                 |
|3    |ITEM 3              |175                 |
|4    |ITEM 4              |225                 |
|7. View wishlist                               |
|8. View cart                                   |
|9. View orders                                 |
|0. Exit to main menu                           |
Enter choice: 0
|          MENU         |
|1. Buy food            |
|2. View wishlist       |
|3. View cart           |
|4. View orders         |
|5. Exit to login page  |
Enter choice: 5

|           Online Food Order Service            |
|                    1. Login                    |
|                2. Create account               |
|                    3. Exit                     |
Enter choice: 3

Sample changes done to database while running the application:

| user1    | user1    |
| user2    | user2    |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

| ITEM 1   |   100 |
| ITEM 2   |   150 |
| ITEM 3   |   175 |
| ITEM 4   |   225 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

|  1 | ITEM 1   |    3 |   300 |
|  2 | ITEM 2   |    3 |   450 |
|  3 | ITEM 3   |    4 |   700 |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

|  6 | ITEM 1   |    3 |   300 |
|  7 | ITEM 3   |    2 |   350 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

|  4 | ITEM 4   |    2 |   450 |
|  5 | ITEM 3   |    5 |   875 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Empty set (0.01 sec)

Empty set (0.01 sec)

Empty set (0.01 sec)