
my own customizations of mythnettv, for better directory handling and less statistics. New Features not in Mainline: Youtube & Vimeo import; transmission for torrents; the tvdb or ragetv will be used to detect Metadata; use mythtv bindings; Unrar files;. New requirements: mythtv python bindings, python-magic, py-videodownload, python-tvrage, py-unrar2, transmissionrpc, Storage Groups

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

This file has several sections:
 - Getting started
 - Running from a remote machine

Getting started

Before use, you need to make a temporary data directory in your current
working directory:

$ mkdir data

Make sure you have installed at least these python modules:
py-unrar2 at https://code.google.com/p/py-unrar2/
python-tvrage at https://bitbucket.org/ckreutzer/python-tvrage/

If you are going to use BitTorrent you need Transmission:
$ sudo apt-get install transmission

and the python module:
transmissionrpc at https://bitbucket.org/blueluna/transmissionrpc/
$ sudo easy_install transmissionrpc

bencode at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/BitTorrent-bencode/5.0.8
$ sudo easy_install BitTorrent-bencode

and hashlib
$ sudo apt-get install python-hashlib
or at http://docs.python.org/library/hashlib.html

You also need to install Mark Pilgrim's Universal Feed Parser from
http://www.feedparser.org. On Debian or Ubuntu you can install it like this:
$ sudo apt-get install python-feedparser python-pyparsing

If you want to import Youtube videos you need youtube-dl. On 
$ sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

You might need Python ctypes support. On Debian / Ubuntu, its as simple as:
$ sudo apt-get install python-ctypes

You also need the Python MySQL module:
$ sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb

To support gzipped torrents python magic is neede:
$ sudo apt-get install python-magic

Using MythNetTv is simple. If you want MythNetTv to manage your
subscriptions, then do something like:

$ ./mythnettv subscribe \
"http://www.ted.com/talks/rss" "TEDTalks" "ttvdbid" "chanid" \

You can update the view of the feed (i.e. find new posts) with:

$ ./mythnettv update

Don't forget to create a gmailpassword.py file with only one line content
within the same directory of the mythnettv. Content:
To change the email that gets the messages edit the gmail.py file.

Ubuntu 12.10 and newer
Ubuntu 12.10 now includes python-hashlib in package python2.7-minimal. For transmission there is now a transmission-daemon package as well.

And you can find out what you are subscribed to with:

$ ./mythnettv list

To download shows, just tell it how many:

$ ./mythnettv download 10

Will download 10 shows and import them into the MythTV recordings menu.

You can also manually download an RSS feed just once, import local or remote
videos, and get interesting statistics. Checkout the usage message for more
information about those.

YouTube RSS feeds
RSS channel feeds can be used as a source for videos. All you need is to
modify the following command changing the name between user/ and /videos.rss:

mythnettv subscribe "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=richarddawkinsdotnet" \
"Richard Dawkins Foundation TV" "203891" "666" "Default"

Running from a remote machine

If you're not using MythNetTV on your master backend, then you'll need to
tweak your MythTV database just a little. Let's assume I want to run on a 
machine named maui. First I need to tell MythNetTV where to store imported
programs. Log into your MySQL database execute this command:

insert into settings (value, data, hostname) values("RecordFilePrefix", "/data/mythtv", "maui");

The path will of course need to change to whereever your recordings are stored.
At the moment MythNetTV assumes that the recordings directory is NFS mounted,
so you'll need to set that up as well.