
A full-stack automated survey app, that collects user feedback. Created with React and Redux on the front-end, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose and PassportJS on the back-end.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Emaily Survey App

A full-stack automated survey app, that collects user feedback. Created with React and Redux on the front-end, Express, MongoDB and PassportJS on the back-end. App makes use of services such as Sendgrid for email sending, Stripe for accepting test credit card payments and Google OAuth for user authentication.


To succesfully run the app, you must create a dev.js file inside /config directory and export an object including:

// dev.js
module.exports = {
  googleClientID: '<your-dev-value>',
  googleClientSecret: '<your-dev-value>',
  mongoURI: '<your-dev-value>',
  cookieKey: '<your-dev-value>',
  stripePublishableKey: '<your-dev-value>',
  stripeSecretKey: '<your-dev-value>',
  redirectDomain: '<your-dev-value>',
  sendgridKey: '<your-dev-value>',

Install dependencies using npm i both for server and client packages.

To boot the app in the development mode, run script npm run dev. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

To test out billing, use the fake test credit card provided by Stripe: card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242 exp: 12/33 cvc: 123.


For the deployed version, please visit herokuapp.com.