
[READ-ONLY] Ansible role dealing with installation and configuration of Thumbor

Primary LanguageMakefile



This repository and the role associated are deprecated.

You can find our other roles in the Manala Ansible Collection. You will find informations on its usage on the collection repository


Ansible Role: Thumbor Build Status

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This role will deal with the setup and configuration of Thumbor.

It's part of the Manala Ansible stack but can be used as a stand alone component.


This role is made to work with the manala thumbor debian package, available on the manala debian repository. Please use the manala.apt role to handle it properly.

  - thumbor@manala




Ansible 2+

Using ansible galaxy cli:

ansible-galaxy install manala.thumbor

Using ansible galaxy requirements file:

- src: manala.thumbor

Role Handlers

Name Type Description
thumbor restart Service Restart Thumbor service

Role Variables

Name Default Type Description
manala_thumbor_install_packages ~ Array Dependency packages to install
manala_thumbor_install_packages_default ['thumbor'] Array Default dependency packages to install
manala_thumbor_key_file '/etc/thumbor.key' String Key file path
manala_thumbor_key ~ String Key
manala_thumbor_configs_exclusive false Boolean Configurations exclusivity
manala_thumbor_configs_dir '/etc/thumbor.d' String Configurations dir path
manala_thumbor_configs_template 'configs/empty.j2' String Default configurations template path
manala_thumbor_configs [] Array Configurations
manala_thumbor.services true Boolean Handle services

Configuration example

manala_thumbor_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  - file: debian.conf
    template: configs/debian.j2
  - file: thumbor.conf
    template: configs/default.prod.j2
  - file: app.conf
      - MAX_WIDTH: 100
      - UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE: 1024

Example playbook

- hosts: servers
    - { role: manala.thumbor }



Author information

Manala (http://www.manala.io/)