
An extensive Swift wrapper for the Yelp Fusion API.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


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CI Status GitHub Release Version Carthage compatible Platform License

This Swift wrapper covers all possible network endpoints and responses for the Yelp Fusion API.

For a demonstration of the capabilities of CDYelpFusionKit; run the iOS Example project after cloning the repo.


  • Authentication
  • API Endpoints
    • Search
    • Phone Search
    • Transaction Search
    • Business
    • Business Match
    • Reviews
    • Autocomplete
    • Event Lookup
    • Event Search
    • Featured Event
  • Deep Linking
  • Web Linking
  • Brand Assets
    • Color
    • Logos
  • Platform Support
    • iOS
    • macOS
    • tvOS
    • watchOS
  • Documentation


  • iOS 8.0+ / macOS 10.10+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
  • Xcode 8.3+
  • Swift 3.1+
  • Yelp API Access



Installation via CocoaPods

CDYelpFusionKit is available through CocoaPods. CocoaPods is a dependency manager that automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like CDYelpFusionKit in your projects. You can install CocoaPods with the following command:

gem install cocoapods

To integrate CDYelpFusionKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CDYelpFusionKit', '1.5.1'

Afterwards, run the following command:

pod install

Installation via Carthage

CDYelpFusionKit is available through Carthage. Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage via Homebrew with the following commands:

brew update
brew install carthage

To integrate CDYelpFusionKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "chrisdhaan/CDYelpFusionKit" == 1.5.1

Afterwards, run the following command:

carthage update

Next, add the built CDYelpFusionKit.framework into your Xcode project.

Installation via Swift Package Manager

CDYelpFusionKit is available through the Swift Package Manager. The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code.

The Swift Package Manager is in early development, but CDYelpFusionKit does support its use on supported platforms. Until the Swift Package Manager supports non-host platforms, it is recommended to use CocoaPods, Carthage, or Git Submodules to build iOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps.

The Swift Package Manager is integrated into the Swift compiler.

To integrate CDYelpFusionKit into your Xcode project using The Swift Package Manager, simply add the following line to your Package.swift file:

Swift 3

dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "https://github.com/chrisdhaan/CDYelpFusionKit.git", "1.5.1")

Swift 4

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/chrisdhaan/CDYelpFusionKit.git", "1.5.1")

Afterwards, run the following command:

swift package fetch

Installation via Git Submodule

CDYelpFusionKit is available through Git Submodule Git Submodule allows you to keep another Git repository in a subdirectory of your repository.

If your project is not initialized as a git repository, navigate into your top-level project directory, and install Git Submodule with the following command:

git init

To integrate CDYelpFusionKit into your Xcode project using Git Submodule, simply run the following command:

git submodule add https://github.com/chrisdhaan/CDYelpFusionKit.git

Afterwards, open the new CDYelpFusionKit folder, and drag the CDYelpFusionKit.xcodeproj into the Project Navigator of your Xcode project. A common location for the CDYelpFusionKit.xcodeproj is directly below the Products folder.

Next, select your application project in the Project Navigator to navigate to the target configuration window and select the application target under the Targets heading in the sidebar. In the tab bar at the top of that window, open the General panel. Click on the + button under the Embedded Binaries section. You will see two different CDYelpFusionKit.xcodeproj folders, each with a version of the CDYelpFusionKit.framework nested inside a Products folder. It does not matter which Products folder you choose from, select the CDYelpFusionKit.framework for iOS.



let yelpAPIClient = CDYelpAPIClient(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY")

Once you've created a CDYelpAPIClient object you can use it to query the Yelp Fusion API using any of the following methods.

  • Parameters with // Optional can take nil as a value.
  • Parameters with // Required will throw an exception when passing nil as a value.
public func searchBusinesses(byTerm term: String?,                        // Optional
                             location: String?,                           // Optional
                             latitude: Double?,                           // Optional
                             longitude: Double?,                          // Optional
                             radius: Int?,                                // Optional - Max = 40000
                             categories: [CDYelpBusinessCategoryFilter]?, // Optional
                             locale: CDYelpLocale?,                       // Optional
                             limit: Int?,                                 // Optional - Default = 20, Max = 50
                             offset: Int?,                                // Optional
                             sortBy: CDYelpBusinessSortType?,             // Optional - Default = .bestMatch
                             priceTiers: [CDYelpPriceTier]?,              // Optional
                             openNow: Bool?,                              // Optional - Default = false
                             openAt: Int?,                                // Optional
                             attributes: [CDYelpAttributeFilter]?,        // Optional
                             completion: @escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse?) -> Void);

The search endpoint has a categories parameter which allows for query results to be returned based off one thousand four hundred and sixty-one types of categories. The full list of categories can be found in CDYelpEnums.swift. The following lines of code show an example of a category that can be passed into the categories parameter.


The search endpoint has a locale parameter which allows for query results to be returned based off forty-two types of language and country codes. The following lines of code show which locales can be passed into the locale parameter.


The search endpoint has a sortBy parameter which allows for query results to be filtered based off four types of criteria. The following lines of code show which sort types can be passed into the sortBy parameter.

CDYelpBusinessSortType.bestMatch   // Default

The search endpoint has a price parameter which allows for query results to be filtered based off four types of criteria. The following lines of code show which price tiers can be passed into the priceTiers parameter.


The search endpoint has an attributes parameter which allows for query results to be filtered based off five types of criteria. The following lines of code show which attributes can be passed into the attributes parameter.


The following lines of code show an example query to the search endpoint.

// Cancel any API requests previously made
// Query Yelp Fusion API for business results
yelpAPIClient.searchBusinesses(byTerm: "Food",
                               location: "San Francisco",
                               latitude: nil,
                               longitude: nil,
                               radius: 10000,
                               categories: [.activeLife, .food],
                               locale: .english_unitedStates,
                               limit: 5,
                               offset: 0,
                               sortBy: .rating,
                               priceTiers: [.oneDollarSign, .twoDollarSigns],
                               openNow: true,
                               openAt: nil,
                               attributes: nil) { (response) in

  if let response = response,
      let businesses = response.businesses,
      businesses.count > 0 {
public func searchBusinesses(byPhoneNumber phoneNumber: String!, // Required
                                 completion: @escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse?) -> Void)

The following lines of code show an example query to the phone search endpoint.

yelpAPIClient.searchBusinesses(byPhoneNumber: "+14157492060") { (response) in

  if let response = response,
      let businesses = response.businesses,
      businesses.count > 0 {
public func searchTransactions(byType type: CDYelpTransactionType!, // Required
                              location: String?,                    // Optional
                              latitude: Double?,                    // Optional
                              longitude: Double?,                   // Optional
                              completion: @escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse?) -> Void)

The transactions search endpoint has a type parameter which allows for query results to be filtered based off one type of criteria. The following lines of code show which transaction types can be passed into the byType parameter.


The following lines of code show an example query to the transactions search endpoint.

yelpAPIClient.searchTransactions(byType: .foodDelivery,
                                 location: "San Francisco",
                                 latitude: nil,
                                 longitude: nil) { (response) in

  if let response = response,
      let businesses = response.businesses,
      businesses.count > 0 {
public func fetchBusiness(forId id: String!,     // Required
                          locale: CDYelpLocale?, // Optional
                          completion: @escaping (CDYelpBusiness?) -> Void)

The following lines of code show an example query to the business endpoint.

yelpAPIClient.fetchBusiness(forId: "north-india-restaurant-san-francisco"
                            locale: nil) { (business) in

  if let business = business {
public func searchBusinesses(byMatchType type: CDYelpBusinessMatchType!, // Required
                             name: String!,                              // Required
                             addressOne: String?,                        // Optional
                             addressTwo: String?,                        // Optional
                             addressThree: String?,                      // Optional
                             city: String!,                              // Required
                             state: String!,                             // Required
                             country: String!,                           // Required
                             latitude: Double?,                          // Optional
                             longitude: Double?,                         // Optional
                             phone: String?,                             // Optional
                             postalCode: String?,                        // Optional
                             yelpBusinessId: String?,                    // Optional
                             completion: @escaping (CDYelpSearchResponse?) -> Void)

The business match endpoint has a type parameter which allows for query results to be filtered based off two types of criteria. The following lines of code show which business match types can be passed into the byMatchType parameter.


The following lines of code show an example query to the business match endpoint.

yelpAPIClient.searchBusinesses(byMatchType: .best,
                               name: "Yelp if you need HELP!",
                               addressOne: nil,
                               addressTwo: nil,
                               addressThree: nil,
                               city: "San Francisco",
                               state: "CA",
                               country: "US",
                               latitude: nil,
                               longitude: nil,
                               phone: nil,
                               postalCode: nil,
                               yelpBusinessId: nil) { (response) in

  if let response = response,
      let businesses = response.businesses,
      businesses.count > 0 {
public func fetchReviews(forBusinessId id: String!, // Required
                         locale: CDYelpLocale?,     // Optional
                         completion: @escaping (CDYelpReviewsResponse?) -> Void)

The reviews endpoint has a locale parameter which allows for query results to be returned based off forty-two types of language and country codes. Refer to the search endpoint for information regarding using the locale parameter.

The following lines of code show an example query to the reviews endpoint.

yelpAPIClient.fetchReviews(forBusinessId: "north-india-restaurant-san-francisco",
                           locale: nil) { (reviews) in

  if let response = response,
      let reviews = response.reviews,
      reviews.count > 0 {
public func autocompleteBusinesses(byText text: String!,  // Required
                                   latitude: Double!,     // Required
                                   longitude: Double!,    // Required
                                   locale: CDYelpLocale?, // Optional
                                   completion: @escaping (CDYelpAutoCompleteResponse?) -> Void)

The autocomplete endpoint has a locale parameter which allows for query results to be returned based off forty-two types of language and country codes. Refer to the search endpoint for information regarding using the locale parameter.

The following lines of code show an example query to the autocomplete endpoint.

yelpAPIClient.autocompleteBusinesses(byText: "Pizza Hut",
                                     latitude: 37.786572,
                                     longitude: -122.415192,
                                     locale: nil) { (response) in

  if let response = response,
      let businesses = response.businesses,
      businesses.count > 0 {
public func fetchEvent(forId id: String!,     // Required
                       locale: CDYelpLocale?, // Optional
                       completion: @escaping (CDYelpEvent?) -> Void)

The event lookup endpoint has a locale parameter which allows for query results to be returned based off forty-two types of language and country codes. Refer to the search endpoint for information regarding using the locale parameter.

The following lines of code show an example query to the event lookup endpoint.

yelpAPIClient.fetchEvent(forId: "city-of-san-francisco-san-francisco",
                         locale: nil) { (event) in

  if let event = event {
public func searchEvents(byLocale locale: CDYelpLocale?,           // Optional
                         offset: Int?,                             // Optional
                         limit: Int?,                              // Optional - Default = 3, Max = 50
                         sortBy: CDYelpEventSortByType?,           // Optional - Default = .descending
                         sortOn: CDYelpEventSortOnType?,           // Optional - Default = .popularity
                         startDate: Date?,                         // Optional
                         endDate: Date?,                           // Optional
                         categories: [CDYelpEventCategoryFilter]?, // Optional
                         isFree: Bool?,                            // Optional - Default = false
                         location: String?,                        // Optional
                         latitude: Double?,                        // Optional
                         longitude: Double?,                       // Optional
                         radius: Int?,                             // Optional - Max = 40000
                         excludedEvents: [String]?,                // Optional
                         completion: @escaping (CDYelpEventsResponse?) -> Void)

The event search endpoint has a locale parameter which allows for query results to be returned based off forty-two types of language and country codes. Refer to the search endpoint for information regarding using the locale parameter.

The event search endpoint has a sortBy parameter which allows for query results to be filtered based off two types of criteria. The following lines of code show which sort types can be passed into the sortBy parameter.

CDYelpEventSortByType.descending // Default

The event search endpoint has a sortOn parameter which allows for query results to be filtered based off two types of criteria. The following lines of code show which sort types can be passed into the sortBy parameter.

CDYelpEventSortOnType.popularity // Default

The event search endpoint has a categories parameter which allows for query results to be returned based off thirteen types of categories. The following lines of code show which category types can be passed into the categories parameter.


The following lines of code show an example query to the event search endpoint.

yelpAPIClient.searchEvents(byLocale: nil,
                           offset: nil,
                           limit: 5,
                           sortBy: .descending,
                           sortOn: .popularity,
                           startDate: nil,
                           endDate: nil,
                           categories: [.music, .foodAndDrink],
                           isFree: false,
                           location: nil,
                           latitude: 37.786572,
                           longitude: -122.415192,
                           radius: 10000,
                           excludedEvents: nil) { (response) in

  if let response = response,
      let events = response.events,
      events.count > 0 {
public func fetchFeaturedEvent(forLocale locale: CDYelpLocale?, // Optional
                               location: String?,               // Optional
                               latitude: Double?,               // Optional
                               longitude: Double?,              // Optional
                               completion: @escaping (CDYelpEvent?) -> Void)

The featured event endpoint has a locale parameter which allows for query results to be returned based off forty-two types of language and country codes. Refer to the search endpoint for information regarding using the locale parameter.

The following lines of code show an example query to the featured event endpoint.

yelpAPIClient.fetchFeaturedEvent(forLocale: nil,
                                 location: nil,
                                 latitude: 37.786572,
                                 longitude: -122.415192) { (event) in

  if let event = event {

The Yelp iPhone application registers URL schemes that can be used to open the Yelp application, perform searches, view business information, or check-in.

static func yelpDeepLink() -> URL?

The following lines of code show an example of how to check if the Yelp application is installed and then open it.

if let url = URL.yelpDeepLink(),
    UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                              options: [:],
                              completionHandler: nil)
static func yelpSearchDeepLink(withTerm term: String?,                  // Optional
                               category: CDYelpBusinessCategoryFilter?, // Optional
                               location: String?) -> URL?               // Optional

The search deep link has a category parameter which allows for query results to be returned based off one thousand four hundred and sixty-one types of categories. Refer to the search endpoint for information regarding using the category parameter.

The following lines of code show an example query to the search deep link.

if let url = URL.yelpSearchDeepLink(withTerm: "burrito",
                                    category: .food,
                                    location: "San Francisco, CA"),
    UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                              options: [:],
                              completionHandler: nil)
static func yelpBusinessDeepLink(forId id: String!) -> URL? // Required

The following lines of code show an example query to the business deep link.

if let url = URL.yelpBusinessDeepLink(forId: "the-sentinel-san-francisco"),
    UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                              options: [:],
                              completionHandler: nil)
static func yelpCheckInNearbyDeepLink() -> URL?

The following lines of code show an example query to the check in nearby deep link.

if let url = URL.yelpCheckInNearbyDeepLink(),
    UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                              options: [:],
                              completionHandler: nil)
static func yelpCheckInsDeepLink() -> URL?

The following lines of code show an example query to the check-ins deep link.

if let url = URL.yelpCheckInsDeepLink(),
    UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                              options: [:],
                              completionHandler: nil)
static func yelpCheckInRankingsDeepLink() -> URL?

The following lines of code show an example query to the check-in rankings deep link.

if let url = URL.yelpCheckInRankingsDeepLink(),
    UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                              options: [:],
                              completionHandler: nil)

The Yelp website registers URL schemes that can be used to open the Yelp website, perform searches or view business information.

static func yelpWebLink() -> URL?

The following lines of code show an example of how to open the Yelp website.

if let url = URL.yelpWebLink(),
    UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                              options: [:],
                              completionHandler: nil)
static func yelpSearchWebLink(withTerm term: String?,                  // Optional
                              category: CDYelpBusinessCategoryFilter?, // Optional
                              location: String?) -> URL?               // Optional

The search deep link has a category parameter which allows for query results to be returned based off one thousand four hundred and sixty-one types of categories. Refer to the search endpoint for information regarding using the category parameter.

The following lines of code show an example query to the search web link.

if let url = URL.yelpSearchWebLink(withTerm: "burrito",
                                   category: .food,
                                   location: "San Francisco, CA"),
    UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                              options: [:],
                              completionHandler: nil)
static func yelpBusinessWebLink(forId id: String!) -> URL? // Required

The following lines of code show an example query to the business web link.

if let url = URL.yelpBusinessWebLink(forId: "the-sentinel-san-francisco"),
    UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                              options: [:],
                              completionHandler: nil)

The Yelp brand guidelines exist to achieve consistency and make sure the branded elements of Yelp are used correctly across every application.

class func yelpFiveStarRed() -> UIColor

The following lines of code show an example of how to use the brand color.

cell.textLabel?.textColor = UIColor.yelpFiveStarRed()
class func yelpLogo() -> UIImage?
class func yelpLogoOutline() -> UIImage?
class func yelpBurstLogoRed() -> UIImage?
class func yelpBurstLogoWhite() -> UIImage?

The following lines of code show examples of how to use the brand logo and the brand burst logo.

cell.imageView?.image = UIImage.yelpLogo()
cell.imageView?.image = UIImage.yelpLogoOutline()
cell.imageView?.image = UIImage.yelpBurstLogoRed()
cell.imageView?.image = UIImage.yelpBurstLogoWhite()
class func yelpStars(numberOfStars: CDYelpStars!,
                     forSize size: CDYelpStarsSize!) -> UIImage?

The stars image has a numberOfStars parameter which defines the number of filled stars in the returned image. The following lines of code show which number of stars can be passed into the numberOfStars parameter.


The stars image has a forSize parameter which defines the size of the returned image. The following lines of code show which sizes can be passed into the forSize parameter.


The following lines of code show an example of how to use the stars image.

cell.imageView?.image = UIImage.yelpStars(numberOfStars: .twoHalf, forSize: .large)


Christopher de Haan, contact@christopherdehaan.me


Visit the Yelp Developers portal for additional resources regarding the Yelp API.


CDYelpFusionKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.