modb stands for Manami Offline DataBase. Repositories prefixed with this acronym are used to create the manami-project/anime-offline-database.
This lib contains all essential dependencies as well as some convenience functions and classes for creating tests in modb prefixed kotlin projects.
- junit5
- kotlin-test for junit5
- assertj
- wiremock
// access to a file in src/test/resources
val file: Path = testResource("file.txt") // for src/test/resources/file.txt
val file: Path = testResource("dir/subdir/file.txt") // for src/test/resources/dir/subdir/file.txt
// reading the content of a file in src/test/resources into a String
val fileContent: String = loadTestResource("file.txt") // for src/test/resources/file.txt
val fileContent: String = loadTestResource("dir/subdir/file.txt") // for src/test/resources/dir/subdir/file.txt
Creates a temporary directory and ensures that it will be deleted after test execution even if the test fails due to an exception.
tempDirectory {
Create mock server test cases.
internal class SampleTest : MockServerTestCase<WireMockServer> by WireMockServerCreator() {
fun `test case`() {
.withHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")