
This is a mobile application built using React-native for the movie community. Users can share reviews/quotes/captions of their favourite movies/tv-series while also following their friends and liking and commenting on the movies they are watching.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a mobile application built using React-native for the movie community. Users can share reviews/quotes/captions of their favourite movies/tv-series while also following their friends and liking and commenting on the movies they are watching. There were a lot of features I wanted to add and go to market with... However, there already is a great application in the app store that does exactly this. Thus, I decided to call it a day and move to a different project. Feel free to play around with this project and experiment if you're new to react-native like I am :)

Here are some screenshots (Login, Home and Profile screen) of the application:


PS: There are some unfunctional buttons like 'settings' that aren't coded yet. I had learnt what I had to with the project and decided to move forward with a different project.

PPS: Unfortunately, I was planning on building the signup pages last but since I am discontinuing the project, I won't be building the sign up pages. HOWEVER, play around with the RESTFul API... you can signup by sending a POST request to https://themoviebook.herokuapp.com/signup/ with keys email, username, first_name, last_name and password. You'll need to put an email address in MoviebookAPI's setting file before you sign up (this will be the admin email), otherwise /signup/ will not work.
