
Python script to crack StarUML for Linux and Windows.

Primary LanguagePython



On Linux

  1. Clone the repo.

git clone https://github.com/manandhar01/StarUML_cracker.git

  1. cd into the cloned directory.

cd StarUML_cracker

  1. Run the crack.py as superuser.

sudo ./crack.py
sudo ./crack.py '<Path_to_StarUML_Directory>'
E.g.: sudo ./crack.py '/opt/StarUML'

On Windows

  1. Open Windows Terminal of Powershell or CMD as administrator.

  2. Clone the repo.

git clone https://github.com/manandhar01/StarUML_cracker.git

  1. cd into the cloned directory.

cd StarUML_cracker

  1. Run crack_win.py script.

py crack_win.py
py crack_win.py '<Path_to_StarUML_Directory>'
E.g.: py crack_win.py 'C:\Program Files\StarUML'