
Mirror Descent Policy Optimization

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the code for MDPO, a trust-region algorithm based on principles of Mirror Descent. It includes two variants, on-policy MDPO and off-policy MDPO, based on the paper Mirror Descent Policy Optimization.

This implementation makes use of Tensorflow and builds over the code provided by stable-baselines.

Getting Started


All dependencies are provided in a python virtual-env requirements.txt file. Majorly, you would need to install stable-baselines, tensorflow, and mujoco_py.


  1. Install stable-baselines
pip install stable-baselines[mpi]==2.7.0
  1. Download and copy MuJoCo library and license files into a .mujoco/ directory. We use mujoco200 for this project.

  2. Clone MDPO and copy the mdpo-on and mdpo-off directories inside this directory.

  3. Activate virtual-env using the requirements.txt file provided.

source <virtual env path>/bin/activate


Use the run_mujoco.py script for training MDPO.

On-policy MDPO

python3 run_mujoco.py --env=Walker2d-v2 --sgd_steps=10

Off-policy MDPO

python3 run_mujoco.py --env=Walker2d-v2 --num_timesteps=1e6 --sgd_steps=1000 --klcoeff=1.0 --lam=0.2 --tsallis_coeff=1.0


  title={Mirror Descent Policy Optimization},
  author={Tomar, Manan and Shani, Lior and Efroni, Yonathan and Ghavamzadeh, Mohammad},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.09814},