
PayBlocks - Data Storage and smart payments using Blockchain

Primary LanguageKotlin

PayBlocks - Data Storage and smart payments using Blockchain

  • Step 1: Training the model For this you will need to add face data to the cognitive services . You will need to change the end point and the provided key the in code to run it on your systems ./ a.First run the file add_student.py , and add the details . Pictures will be clicked during this time ./ b.Then run the file create_person_group.py . this will create a person group , in our case it was test1 . c.Now run create_person.py along with agrument like User78 ( which is created folder of face data in dataset folder) , to create a person the local as well as cloud database . You also be prompted to enter public key of the ganache blockchain systems at this stage . d. Now run add_person_faces.py to add the faces in Face API . e. Now run train.py to train the model .

Now all the face data is fed to the API and model is train to identify

  • Step2 :

For this step you need to have flask installed in your system as we will be creating Flask API for the android app . a. Run identify_api.py to set up the API server .

Also you need to host your localhost on web using Pagekite like platforms , as it will support our blockchain based platform .

  • Step3 :

a.Next you need to run the apk in your mobile from anroid studio . b. Now the person needs to click his/her picture to login . c. Now you will have options such as pay someone or buy medicines . d. You may choose anyone of them to proceed further . These are blockchain based features

This project was done in HackVerse by : Vithik Shah Manas Gupta Yuvraj Dalia ( Team Admin)