
example of gpt2 pretrained model from hugging face

Primary LanguagePython


HUggingface GPT-2 Text Generation with MLflow


This README provides detailed information about the

  • Python source code dir included in this project.
  • Python unit tests included in this project.

Project Structure for Source code:

Overview train.py

This project demonstrates text generation using the GPT-2 model and logs the generated text along with other metadata using MLflow. The generated text is based on a set of predefined prompts.


Before running the code, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • mlflow: Machine learning lifecycle management library.
  • transformers: Hugging Face Transformers library for pre-trained language models.

You can install these dependencies using pip:

pip install mlflow transformers


  1. Load the GPT-2 model and tokenizer.
  2. Define an experiment name and run name for MLflow.
  3. Define a function to generate text based on a given prompt.
  4. Create a custom PythonModel class to integrate with MLflow.
  5. Define a list of prompts for text generation.
  6. In the main function:
    • Set the experiment name and create an MLflow run.
    • Log parameters and generate text for each prompt.
    • Log the generated text as an artifact.
    • Log the length of the generated text as a metric.
    • Save the model using MLflow.
    • Register the model in the MLflow model registry.

To run the code, execute the following command:

python train.py

Project Structure

The project includes the following files:

  • train.py: The main Python script for text generation and MLflow integration.
  • generated_text_prompt_*.txt: Text files containing the generated text for each prompt (generated during execution).
  • prediction_prompt_*.txt: Text files containing the generated text for each prompt, logged as predictions (generated during execution).

Custom PythonModel Class

A custom PythonModel class (GPT2Model) is defined to integrate with MLflow. This class loads the pre-trained GPT-2 model during loading and generates text based on the provided input.

Running the Code

Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed and execute the script as described in the "Usage" section. The generated text and model artifacts will be logged and tracked by MLflow.

Overview transition_model.py

MLflow Model Deployment Script This script demonstrates how to use the MLflow Python API to transition a specific version of a registered model to the "Production" stage. The script assumes that you have already registered a model with a given name and version in your MLflow tracking server.


Before running the script, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • mlflow: Machine learning lifecycle management library.

You can install this dependency using pip:

pip install mlflow


  1. Import the necessary modules and create a MlflowClient object.
  2. Specify the name of the registered model (registered_model_name) and the desired model version (model_version) that you want to transition to the "Production" stage.
  3. Uncomment the line # model_name = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(f"models:/{registered_model_name}/{model_version}") if you need to load the model. This line is currently commented out.
  4. Use the client.transition_model_version_stage method to transition the specified model version to the "Production" stage.

To run the script, execute the following command:

python transition_model.py

Script Structure

  • transition_model.py: The main Python script for transitioning a model version to the "Production" stage.

Running the Script

Ensure you have the mlflow dependency installed and execute the script as described in the "Usage" section. The specified model version will be transitioned to the "Production" stage in your MLflow tracking server.

Important Notes

  • This script assumes that you have already registered the model with the specified name and version in MLflow.
  • Make sure you have appropriate permissions to transition model versions to the "Production" stage in your MLflow environment.

Overview mywebapp.py


This project demonstrates how to deploy a Flask API for making predictions using a registered MLflow model. Specifically, it loads a pre-registered GPT-2 model and exposes an API endpoint for making text generation predictions based on input data provided as JSON.


Before running the code, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • Flask: Micro web framework for building web applications.
  • mlflow: Machine learning lifecycle management library.

You can install these dependencies using pip:

pip install Flask mlflow


  1. Import the necessary modules and create a Flask web application.
  2. Specify the name of the registered model (registered_model_name) and the desired model version (1) that you want to load.
  3. Define a Flask route (/predict) that accepts POST requests for making predictions.
  4. In the /predict route, load input data from a JSON request, make predictions using the loaded model, and return the predictions as JSON response.
  5. Run the Flask application on a specified host and port (e.g., localhost:7000) using the app.run method.

To run the code, execute the following command:

python mywebapp.py

Script Structure

  • mywebapp.py: The main Python script for deploying a Flask API for GPT-2 text generation predictions.

Running the Flask API

Ensure you have the required dependencies installed and execute the script as described in the "Usage" section. The Flask API will be running, and you can make POST requests to the /predict endpoint to generate text predictions using the specified GPT-2 model.

API Endpoint

  • Endpoint URL: http://localhost:7000/predict
  • Method: POST
  • Input: JSON with a single field named "input_data" containing the text prompt.
  • Output: JSON response with the "predictions" field containing the generated text predictions.

Important Notes

  • Replace "gpt2_model" with the name of your registered MLflow model if it's different.
  • Ensure that the specified model version (1) exists in your MLflow registry.
  • Customize the Flask host and port settings (app.run) as needed.

Overview myrequests.py

GPT-2 Model Inference Client


This Python script demonstrates how to make predictions from a GPT-2 model deployed as a Flask API by sending a POST request to the API endpoint. It sends a prompt to the API and receives the generated text prediction as a response.


Before running the code, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • requests: A Python library for making HTTP requests.

You can install this dependency using pip:

pip install requests


  1. Import the requests module.
  2. Define the URL of the Flask API endpoint (url) where you want to send the prediction request. Ensure that you specify the correct URL.
  3. Create a dictionary (data) containing the input data you want to send to the API. In this example, we provide a "prompt" field with a text prompt.
  4. Use the requests.post method to send a POST request to the API with the JSON data.
  5. Check the response status code. If it's 200, parse the JSON response and print the generated text prediction. If the request fails, print an error message.

To run the code, execute the following command:

python myrequests.py

Script Structure

  • myrequests.py: The main Python script for making a POST request to the GPT-2 model inference API.

Running the Script

Ensure you have the required dependencies installed and execute the script as described in the "Usage" section. The script will send a prediction request to the specified API endpoint and print the generated text prediction.

Important Notes

  • Ensure that the API endpoint URL (url) is correct and points to the running Flask API.
  • Customize the input data (data) as needed to provide different prompts for text generation.
  • Handle any error scenarios or exceptions as needed for your specific use case.

Project Structure for Test:

The project consists of the following files and directories:

  • train.py: Contains the main code for training a GPT-2 model.
  • README.txt: This file, provides information about the unit tests.
  • test_train.py: Unit test script for testing the generate_text, GPT2Model, and main functions in train.py.

Running the Unit Tests

To run the unit tests, make sure you have the required dependencies installed. You can install them using pip:

pip install mlflow transformers

Once you have the dependencies installed, you can run the unit tests by executing the following command from the project root directory:

python -m unittest test_train.py

Unit Test Descriptions

TestGenerateText Class

  • test_generate_text: Tests the generate_text function by generating text based on a prompt and checking if the result is a string.

TestGPT2Model Class

  • test_load_context: Tests the load_context method of the GPT2Model class by mocking the model creation and verifying that the model was created.
  • test_predict: Tests the predict method of the GPT2Model class by mocking model predictions and checking if the result is a string.

TestMainFunction Class

  • test_main: Tests the main function by mocking MLflow functions (set_experiment, start_run, register_model, log_model, end_run) and checking if they were called during the execution of main.


You can use these unit tests to ensure the correctness of the functions in train.py before deploying the GPT-2 model. Simply run the tests, and if all tests pass without errors, your code should be in good shape.


  • mlflow: Machine learning lifecycle management library.
  • transformers: Hugging Face Transformers library for pre-trained language models.

Use the MLflow UI to view and manage the model trained and stored

To use the MLflow UI to view and manage the model you trained and stored previously, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start MLflow Tracking Server:

    Before you can use the MLflow UI, you need to start the MLflow Tracking Server. You can start it from the command line using the following command:

    mlflow server

    By default, the server should start on localhost at port 5000.

  2. Access the MLflow UI:

    Open a web browser and navigate to the MLflow UI by entering the following URL:


    If you started the server with different host and port configurations, adjust the URL accordingly.

  3. View Your MLflow Experiment:

    Once you access the MLflow UI, you'll see the MLflow Tracking Dashboard. It will list all the experiments you've run. Locate the experiment where you saved your GPT-2 model, and click on it to view its details.

  4. Explore Run Information:

    Inside the experiment, you'll see a list of runs. Each run corresponds to a specific execution of your code. You can click on a run to explore its details, including the parameters, metrics, and artifacts that you logged during that run. image





Using the MLflow UI, you can easily monitor and manage your experiments, view run details, and access the artifacts, including the saved GPT-2 model. This provides a convenient way to track and share your machine-learning experiments with your team or collaborators.