This project contains implementations of memory networks. This includes code in the following subdirectories:
MemN2N-lang-model: This code trains MemN2N model for language modeling, see Section 5 of the paper "End-To-End Memory Networks". This code is implemented in Torch7 (written in Lua); more documentation is given in the README in that subdirectory.
MemN2N-babi-matlab: The code for the MemN2N bAbI task experiments of Section 4 of the paper "End-To-End Memory Networks". This code is implemented in Matlab; more documentation is given in the README in that subdirectory.
DBLL: Code to train MemN2N on tasks from the paper "Dialog-based Language Learning". This code is implemented in Torch7; more documentation is given in the README in that subdirectory.
HITL: Code to train MemN2N on tasks from the paper "Dialogue Learning With Human-in-the-Loop". This code is implemented in Torch7; more documentation is given in the README in that subdirectory.
AskingQuestions: Code to train MemN2N on tasks from the paper "Learning through Dialogue Interactions". This code is implemented in Torch7; more documentation is given in the README in that subdirectory.
KVmemnn: Code to train MemN2N on tasks from the paper "Key-Value Memory Networks for Directly Reading Documents". This code is implemented in Torch7; more documentation is given in the README in that subdirectory.
- python-babi: MemN2N implemenation on bAbI tasks with very nice interactive demo.
- theano-babi: MemN2N implementation in Theano for bAbI tasks.
- tf-lang: MemN2N language model implementation in TensorFlow.
- tf-babi: Another MemN2N implementation of MemN2N in TensorFlow, but for bAbI tasks.