
A lightweight framework that enables the packaging of Python3.x code as co-simulation FMUs

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

PythonFMU (work in progress)

A lightweight framework that enables the packaging of Python3.x code as co-simulation FMUs.

License: MIT contributions welcome


How do I build an FMU from python code?

  1. Download the fmi2slave module.
  2. Create a new class extending the Fmi2Slave class declared in the fmi2slave module.
  3. Run pythonfmu-builder.jar (Built by Github Actions).
Usage: pythonfmu-builder [-h] -c=<className> [-d=<destFile>] -f=<scriptFile>
                         [Project files...]
      [Project files...]    Additional project files required by the Python script.
  -d, --dest=<destFile>     Where to save the FMU.
  -f, --file=<scriptFile>   Path to the Python script.
  -h, --help                Print this message and quits.
Write the script
from pythonfmu.fmi2slave import *

slave_class = "PythonSlave"  # REQUIRED - Name of the class extending Fmi2Slave

class PythonSlave(Fmi2Slave):

    Fmi2Slave.author = "John Doe"
    Fmi2Slave.modelName = "PythonSlave"  # REQUIRED
    Fmi2Slave.description = "A simple description"

    def __init__(self):

        self.intOut = 1
        self.realOut = 3.0
        self.booleanVariable = True
        self.stringVariable = "Hello World!"

    def do_step(self, current_time, step_size):
        return True
Create the FMU
java -jar pythonfmu-builder.jar -f pythonslave.py pythonfmu

In this example a python class named PythonSlave that extends Fmi2Slave is declared in a file named pythonslave.py. pythonfmu is a folder containing additional project files required by the python script, including fmi2slave.py. Project folders such as this will be recursively copied into the FMU. Multiple project files/folders may be added.


PythonFMU does not bundle Python, which makes it a tool coupling solution. This means that you can not expect the generated FMU to work on a different system (The system would need a compatible Python version and libraries). PythonFMU does not automatically resolve 3rd party dependencies either. If your code includes e.g. numpy, the target system also needs to have numpy installed.

PythonFMU requires a x64 Python installation (You are however free to build x86 binaries yourself).

Would you rather build FMUs in Java? Check out FMI4j!
Need to distribute your FMUs? FMU-proxy to the rescue!