
Support tools and enhancements of Simulink Linux Target (Raspberry Pi and others)

Primary LanguageC

Support tools and enhancements of Simulink Linux Target (Raspberry Pi and others)

is a set of Matlab Simulink patches that secures meeting real-time latencies of Matlab-generated C code. It has been developed at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Control Engineering.

Software Requirements

Linux-rt-simtarget for Matlab Simulink currently supports MATLAB R2016b with Raspberry Pi Support from Simulink running on Linux.


Download the patches and files from github (clone git repository or Downnload ZIP) and copy/unpack them into the Matlab root directory. It's a good idea to init a git repository in the Matlab root directory. Then it's recommanded to gitignore everything and git-add only files that are going to be modified.

git init
echo "*" > .gitignore
git add -f `cat tracked_files`

Then apply the patches

patch -p1 < x-<name>.patch #where 'x' stands for patch number

For example

patch -p1 < 1-mlockall.patch 
patch -p1 < 2-nanosleep.patch

The patches are supposed to be run along with RT_PREEMPT patched Linux Kernel. Recent version of patched kernel for Raspberry Pi can be found here. To build the kernel follow Kernel building for Raspberry Pi.


These patches modify Matlab TLC and C files which provides ert c-code generation. Main intention is to improve RT-bahaviour and make more tranparent, how TLC files cooperate in code generation.


Added 'mlockall' directive to be generated to 'ert_main.c' to improve RT-behaviour. This system call ensures that no memory page of the program code is swapped out to the disk. Such an action would result in latency up to few milliseconds.


Model sample loop timing modified. Model timing which uses 'waitForTimerEvent' which subsequently uses 'read' syscall replaced by 'clock_nanosleep'. This patch should improve RT capabilities of the running code.