
Discord Bot is a multi-functional bot designed to enhance the entertainment and engagement of users within a Discord server. The bot offers various features, including music playback, chat games, anda built-in chatbot powered by ChatGPT that can engage in conversations with users on various topics, such as general knowledge, jokes, and random facts .The music playback feature of Discord Bot allows users to play and control music in voice channels. Users can search and queue songs from popular streaming platforms such as YouTube.


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Packages Used:- • - A popular, actively maintained library for interacting with the Discord API in Python. It allows you to create bots for the Discord platform and provides a simple, modern, and async-based API. • Youtubedl - Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites • Discord-ext-menus - A Python library for creating interactive menus within Discord • Urllib - a package that collects several modules for working with URLs