OpenTok .NET SDK
This is a .NET implementation of the OpenTok API. See complete documentation at
Include the OpenTok.cs file in your .NET project, then set the following properties in your web.config file.
<add key="opentok_key" value="***API key***"/>
<add key="opentok_secret" value="***API secret***"/>
<add key="opentok_server" value=""/>
<add key="opentok_token_sentinel" value="T1=="/>
<add key="opentok_sdk_version" value="tbdotnet"/>
Explicitly set your OpenTok API key and secret. Additionally, the "opentok_secret" value should be set according to whether you are working in staging or production. For information on the differences between the environments, visit here.
Generating Sessions
To generate an OpenTok session:
OpenTokSDK opentok = new OpenTokSDK();
string sessionId = opentok.CreateSession(Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
To generate an OpenTok P2P session:
OpenTokSDK opentok = new OpenTokSDK();
Dictionary<string, object> options = new Dictionary<string, object>();
options.Add(SessionPropertyConstants.P2P_PREFERENCE, "enabled");
string sessionId = opentok.CreateSession(Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"], options);
Generating Tokens
To generate a session token:
string token = opentok.GenerateToken(sessionId);
By default, the token has the "publisher" permission. To generate a token with a different set of permissions:
Dictionary<string, object> tokenOptions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
tokenOptions.Add(TokenPropertyConstants.ROLE, RoleConstants.MODERATOR);
string token = opentok.GenerateToken(sessionId, tokenOptions);
You can also pass in additional token options like "connection_data" and "expire_time":
tokenOptions.Add(TokenPropertyConstants.EXPIRE_TIME, new DateTime(2011, 11, 17)); // A token that expires on 2011-11-17
tokenOptions.Add(TokenPropertyConstants.CONNECTION_DATA, "I am connection metadata passed down to all clients");
Thanks to Robert Phan for the original source code contribution.