The codebase for the API

Application Code Structure

  • Folder Structure
    • config
      • folder has application config
    • server
      • has all server specific code
      • controller
        • keeps controller logic
      • service
        • keeps service logic
      • validator
        • keeps the request validation logic
    • test
      • contains all unit test specific code
    • sql
      • setup.sql
        • Contains database table schema
  • Package Dependency
    • Dev Dependency
      • Mocha, Chai & Supertest
    • NPM Dependency
      • MySql, Express, Express validator
  • routes
    • contains all application routes
  • app.js
    • Main file which kickstarts the application

Application Information - Application Code flow - All opeeration will happen in the tables - How to Run - Update the database info in the config & run npm start to kickstart the application - Unit Testing - It created a table on the fly - And all the CRUD operation & testing happens in those table - I am not deleting the table(s) for now, so that someone can see the test case execution in the table - In a real world application, we can delete the table - Also can have the unit test run on pre-commit hook, so that no bad code can go w/o passing the unit-testing audit

Postman Collection