Go agent Image

This provides a Go agent with following on it

  • Java 8
  • Docker


The installation is as simple as downloading any other docker image.

    docker pull mkulkarni/go-agent


Go agent image ensures the following

  • Go agent runs against Go server started on your box
  • Go agent persists the data if container were to stop running.

You can get the IP address of the Go Server by running the following

docker exec container-id-of-go-server ifconfig

Note down the IP address of the Go Server. This is required when you run Go Agent.

Go agent stores its data at the following location

/var/lib/go-agent        contains the binaries
/usr/share/go-agent      contains the start script
/var/log/go-agent        contains the agent logs

This Go agent data can be persisted if required. The following persists the data on the host at location of your choice.

docker run -d --privileged 
-e "GO_SERVER_IP=go-server-ip-address-from-before" \
-v location-on-host:/var/lib/go-agent \
-v location-on-host:/usr/share/go-agent \
-v location-on-host:/var/log/go-agent \ 

Docker versions

Docker 1.3 onwards are supported