Go server Image

This provides a Go server (CI tool) docker image.


The installation is as simple as downloading any other docker image.

    docker pull mkulkarni/go-server


Go server stores its data at the following location

/var/lib/go-server       contains the binaries and database
/etc/go                  contains the pipeline configuration files
/var/log/go-server       contains the server logs

This Go server data needs to be persisted. The following persists the data on the host at location you chose.

docker run -d -p 8080:8153 \ 
-v location-on-host:/var/lib/go-server \
-v location-on-host:/etc/go \
-v location-on-host:/var/log/go-server \ 

This starts up GO server on port 8080.

Docker versions

Docker 1.3 onwards are supported