manasir66's Following
- aalvrz🇭🇳 Honduras
- abougouffaAstek Research & Innovation | Sagemcom
- ahnaf-zamilMyself
- anderspitmanUSA, Utah, Salt Lake City
- AntonOsika
- appleboyMediatek
- arkalimDev @clio
- ashrielbrian
- azzan-amin-97The National University of Malaysia (UKM)
- beabetterdevv
- fivefishstudios
- geekanShenzhen, China
- javahometech
- jeromedecoster
- jsomaBrooklyn Brainery
- kantancoding
- littlecolumnsNew York, NY
- lukebakkenVMware
- mayooear
- mjhea0Myself
- nicknochnackSydney, Australia
- nmasnadithya@labmlai
- OmkarPathakPune, Maharashtra, India
- programmingwithalexNYC, USA
- rajannpatelCanonical
- rajusm@tapway
- Safiullah-RahuHyderabad, Pakistan
- SelfhostedProSan Diego, California
- shuaibiyyBerlin, Germany
- SohiebVancouver, British Columbia
- soumilshah1995Lead Data Engineer | AWS & Apache Hudi Expert | Spark & AWS Glue Enthusiast | YouTuber
- toolbocMicrosoft
- travisluong
- wso2787 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
- yuki-uthman
- ziqinyeowGrab | University Of Malaya