
Evaluating Deep Learning Models for Subseasonal Forecasting over India

Primary LanguagePython

Evaluating Deep Learning Models for Subseasonal Forecasting over India

tmp2m visualization

Code for reproducing the results in my 2021 dissertation @TheUniversityOfSheffield

Please execute all scripts from the base directory of the repository, i.e., the directory in which README.md is located

Environment and packages

The code was implemented using python 3.7.10 using Anaconda 4.7.10 and uses the following python 3.7 packages

  • netCDF4: 1.5.6
  • numpy: 1.19.2
  • pandas: 1.2.3
  • xarray: 0.17.0
  • cdo: 1.5.4
  • scipy: 1.6.2
  • scikit-learn: 0.24.1
  • hdf5: 1.10.6
  • pytables: 3.6.1
  • tensorflow-gpu: 2.4.1
  • matplotlib: 3.4.1
  • wandb: 0.10.30

Installation of packages

The packages can be installed directly into a conda environment by running the following commands
conda install -c conda-forge netCDF4

conda install numpy

conda install pandas

conda install xarray

conda install -c conda-forge cdo

conda install scipy

conda install scikit-learn

conda install -c conda-forge netCDF4

conda install -c conda-forge hdf5=1.10.6

conda install -c conda-forge pytables

pip install tensorflow-gpu

pip install matplotlib

pip install wandb


conda install --file requirements.txt

Downloading files


Run ./download/SubseasonalRodeo.sh


Run ./downlaod/imd-daily.sh


  1. Navigate to https://rds.ncmrwf.gov.in/dashboard/download
  2. Submit a request for the following variables: - IMDAA Daily Single Level Dataset (Years: ALL, Months: ALL, Days: ALL, Formats: NetCDF, Whole Area)
    • Surface Pressure (00Z-00Z)
    • Mean Sea Level Pressure (00Z-00Z)
    • 2m Relative Humidity (00Z-00Z) - IMDAA IMDAA 1-Hourly Single Level Dataset
    • Surface Pressure (Years: 1979 and 2019, Months: ALL, Days: ALL, Formats: NetCDF, Whole Area)
    • Mean Sea Level Pressure (Years: 1979, Months: ALL, Days: ALL, Formats: NetCDF, Whole Area)
    • 2m Relative Humidity (Years: 1979 and 1983, Months: ALL, Days: ALL, Formats: NetCDF, Whole Area)
  3. Download the script which is emailed to you after the dataset is prepared and place it in data/ncmrwf/
  4. Run download/ncmrwf-daily.sh

Interpolating files

cd data



Calculate climatologies

cd data



python preprocess.py -i (for Indian dataset)

python preprocess.py -r (for Rodeo dataset)


Configure hyperparameter dict in train.py
After setting the hyperparameters, run

python train.py

Latex tables

  • Configure 10 sweeps per sweep.yml file in sweeps folder
  • Create graph of architecture vs test_cosine_similarity on wandb
  • Export graph as csv
  • Place in results/
  • python results.py to produce the latex tables. Resulting latex tables will be saved in results/tables/

Cache files

# train.py
31 cache_dir = os.path.join('/', 'fastdata', 'aca18mms')
32 os.environ['WANDB_DIR'] = cache_dir
33 os.environ['WANDB_IGNORE_GLOBS'] = '*.h5'

By default the training files are saved in the temporary directory on bessemer. You can change the storage location by changing line 31 in train.py Wandb also ignores and does not upload the model to the server to save space. Comment line 33 to modify that.


Manas Sarpatwar 19/05/2021


I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Aditya Gilra for his kind help and support throughout this project. I would also like to thank Dr. Sreejith O.P and Dr. Rajib Chattopadhyay from the India Meteorological Department, Pune, India for providing me their expertise on climate and subseasonal forecasting. Lastly, I would like to thank my parents and my sister, without the patience and support of whom I would never have been able to complete this project.