
This is the most basic example of an NFT, and how we can make it using solidity and ipfs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • yarn init
  • yarn add --dev ethers dotenv solc @openzeppelin/contracts fs-extra


  1. Create solidity file. BasicNft.sol
  2. Create deployment file. deploy.js
  3. Compile the solidity file
yarn solcjs --bin --abi --include-path node_modules/ --base-path . -o ./artifacts/ BasicNft.sol
  1. Update the following in the .env file:
    1. Private Key of wallet from which deployment will be done.
    2. Alchemy node RPC. Get it from https://alchemy.com/?r=Dk4NTc0NjA4MzUyM
  2. Deploy using the script by running
node ./deploy.js