
This repository contains a collection of problems from platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank that I have personally solved.

Primary LanguageC++

Competitive Programming Problems

Welcome to my Competitive Programming Problems repository! This repository contains a collection of problems from platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank that I have personally solved.

Introduction 😀

Competitive programming is a great way to improve problem-solving skills and algorithmic thinking. This repository serves as both a personal log of my problem-solving journey and a resource for others who are interested in learning from my solutions.

Feel free to explore the different problem categories and check out the solutions provided. I hope you find them helpful and educational.

Problem Categories

The problems in this repository are categorized based on the programming language.

For Instance:

  • Problems that are solved using Cpp programming language are inside the Cpp folder.

Solutions 💡

In this section, you can find solutions to the problems organized by the problem's name. Each problem's folder contains the following files:

  • problem.md: A description of the problem statement.
  • solution.cpp (or other language extensions): My solution to the problem in a well-commented code.

You should create a folder by the name of the programming language you are using.

Note: Feel free to open issues or pull requests if you spot any mistakes or have better solutions to the problems. Constructive feedback is always welcome! 😀

Hacktoberfest Contribution

🎉 This repository is participating in Hacktoberfest, a month-long celebration of open source software! 🎉

Hacktoberfest is an excellent opportunity for developers to contribute to open source projects and earn cool swag in the process.

To make your contributions count toward Hacktoberfest, please follow these guidelines:

  • Ensure that your pull requests (PRs) adhere to the Hacktoberfest rules.
  • Only submit meaningful contributions that add value to the repository. Quality over quantity!
  • PRs with minor changes such as fixing a typo or formatting will be reviewed carefully. However, multiple small, low-effort PRs may not be accepted.
  • Engage in meaningful discussions and provide constructive feedback on issues and PRs.

By contributing to this repository during Hacktoberfest, you not only help improve the content but also become eligible for exciting rewards.

Happy hacking! 🚀

Here is the contributing guidelines: Contributing Guidelines