Hide mode-line, display necessary information at right of minibuffer.
Emacs Lisp
- 1
Memory usage
#123 opened by diocletiann - 3
color-rg 的提示栏会被 awesome-tray 覆盖
#122 opened by oLd-Y - 1
When Active Line indicator is selected, then the Selected Text attributes should be modified to distinguish the selection
#120 opened by fyodorovich - 1
How to set active line color?
#117 opened by orazdow - 3
- 2
belong support issue on cpp function define
#114 opened by Peter-Chou - 7
c / c++-ts-mode 中 belong信息没有显示
#113 opened by Peter-Chou - 3
java-ts-mode 中 belong信息没有显示
#112 opened by Peter-Chou - 2
Modeline color when buffer is modified
#107 opened by traxyax - 1
对 calendar 的支持
#108 opened by lemyx - 1
#99 opened by using9 - 5
#94 opened by jinnovation - 4
mode-line is very weird when using org clock
#93 opened by Ryan19929 - 5
Default tray wraps to a second line
#90 opened by trev-dev - 4
Can we show filename in the tray ?
#82 opened by avatar-lavventura - 2
使用lsp-bridge时,awesome-tray modeline 表现异常
#77 opened by Peter-Chou - 5
Include org-pomodoro clock
#40 opened by rvf0068 - 1
Macos M1 battery status display error
#62 opened by Jousimies - 1
- 2
输入法那里 minibuffer 还是一闪一闪的
#59 opened by nesteiner - 2
- 3
Conflict with headerline of lsp-mode
#57 opened by coldnight - 6
- 0
Add awesome-tray-add-to-alist function
#53 opened by KiteAB - 1
modeline still exists when change or load theme
#52 opened by mrunhap - 1
occur with "minibuffer-inactive ... ..."
#45 opened by fu123456 - 2
awesome tray showing on left side
#46 opened by HumHongeKamyaab - 1
can display the file status(saved or not saved)?
#43 opened by KiteAB - 1
display the "recording" word when recording macro
#44 opened by KiteAB - 2
awetray + telega
#47 opened by KiteAB - 3
Awesome tray and hotkeys
#39 opened by neuromagus - 1
use in some major mode
#42 opened by yanglimingcn - 3
- 9
Truncate awesome-tab information?
#26 opened by AmaiKinono - 1
- 1
Consider a declarative scheme to add modules?
#25 opened by AmaiKinono - 3
Can't exit Emacs when using wrong modules.
#22 opened by AmaiKinono - 3
How to darken faces for light themes?
#21 opened by AmaiKinono - 1
Do not message "Enable awesome tray"?
#20 opened by AmaiKinono - 3
- 3
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All-the-icons integration
#17 opened by jumper047 - 4
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Very slow to get the line number on large files
#16 opened by QiangF - 2
启动后 awsome-tab图标缩小
#15 opened by signorinotang - 13
awesome-tray 一些显示问题.
#6 opened by zw963 - 2
与tabbar有冲突,enable awesome-tray之后,tabbar的标签变的很小
#11 opened by speeeeed - 1
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Option for customize module.
#7 opened by vuquangtam