Spring Boot API services

i)"/orders/{orderId}" ---> GET

Fetch order details and show error details alongside if found

Details returned (If error found):- 1)erroId 2)errorName 3)issueId 4)orderId 5)orderDate 6)quantity 7)productname 8)imageUrl 9)price 10)productDesc(product description) 11)OrderStatus

Details returned(If no error found): 1)orderId 2)orderDate 3)quantity 4)productname 5)imageUrl 6)price 7)productDesc(product description) 8)OrderStatus

ii)"/orders/{orderID}/{issueID}/{errorID}" --->POST

Fraud list added in backend and have allowed springboot to update

Body:- 1)orderEmail-To update email 2)zipCode-To update zip

iii)"/graph/{StartDate}/{EndDate}" --->GET

Details returned:- 1)issueDate :- Date in between StartDate and EndDate 2)EmailErrors :- No. of email errors on issueDate 3)ZipErrors :- No. of zip errors on issueDate 4)fraudList :-No. of fraud email lists on issueDate

iv)"/pie/{StartDate}/{EndDate}" --->GET

Details returned:- 1)totalEmailErrors :- No. of email errors between StartDate and EndDate 2)totalZipErrors :- No. of zip errors between StartDate and EndDate 3)totalfraudMails :-No. of fraud email lists between startDate and EndDate

v)"/location/{StartDate}/{EndDate}" --->GET

Details returned:- 1)location :-location of generated errors between StartDate and EndDate 2)emailErrors :- No. of email errors on issueDate 3)zipErrors :- No. of zip errors on issueDate 4)fraudList :-No. of fraud email lists on Location

vi)"/month/{StartDate}/{EndDate}" --->GET

Details returned:- 1)Month no. :- Month no. of all months in between StartDate and EndDate 2)EmailErrors :- No. of email errors on issueDate 3)ZipErrors :- No. of zip errors on issueDate 4)fraudList :-No. of fraud email lists on Location

vii)"/table/{StartDate}/{EndDate}" --->GET

Details returned:-

1)orderId 2)issueId 3)orderEmail 4)zipCode 5)country 6)issueDate 7)errorName 8)isResolved

Had implemented this API for the Chat Bot

API Deployed at:- https://nameless-gorge-89729.herokuapp.com/