
A 'starter template' for Node to decrease cognitive load.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Starter


Use of this starter template assumes that you have a 'complete dev environment' setup - a terminal, Node, VS Code, at least. If not, you may want to start here.

  1. Click that big green button to start using it.
  2. clone your new repo from your GitHub to your local computer
  3. cd into the cloned repo and enter: npm i.
  4. npm start

Some of What's Included

  • ESLint with the Standard JS style guide.
  • code style: prettier
  • Various VS Code 'settings' and 'extensions.' Look in the bottom right when you open this up in VS Code to install them. The settings are responsible for auto-formatting on save (among other things), and the extensions are responsible for the auto-formatting.
  • Vitest for testing. Just do npm test or npm t.

Dependency Graph

npm run dep-graph

This project includes "dependency-cruiser". You can generate a dependency graph by running npm run dep-graph. This will be in SVG format by default. You can change this in the package.json file.

Note: You must have Graphviz installed for this to work. You can install it using Homebrew on macOS with brew install graphviz.

Here's an example of what the dependency graph looks like:

Dependency Graph

How To Use

Run npm i to get all the things installed.

npm start will watch the app directory for any changes using nodemon

Other Notes

To use the new experimental fetch that's now in Node, just add: /* global fetch */ to the top of your file. This will appease ESLint.