
A Quizlet type of thingy

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TypeScript Starter (with new --watch!)

Get Started

After running npm i (you might want to install the recommended extensions too if/when prompted to do so in VS Code), in 1️⃣ CLI, run: npm run build and in 2️⃣ CLI, run: npm start. This will run tsc in watch mode on src and node on --watch on dist.

There are a couple of files in src to give idea of how 💩 works.


Run npm t or npm run test:coverage to run tests with vitest.

Sample test.


This project includes ESLint with standard and @typescript-eslint plugins. It also includes Prettier.

Basically, every time you save (automatically happens: "files.autoSave": "onFocusChange",), it will format your code and lint it. If you have the recommended extensions installed, you will see the errors and warnings in the editor.


  1. "extends": "@tsconfig/node18/tsconfig.json",
  2. compilerOptions are based on Fireship's ℹ️.
  3. Includes TS --watch configuration from doc's 📝 example