
Find changes between OpenStack-Ansible versions

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Find changes between OpenStack-Ansible releases.

Licensed under Apache 2.0.


OpenStack-Ansible pins various OpenStack services and OpenStack-Ansible roles to certain versions. When these versions are updated, this is commonly called a "SHA bump". These updates involve changes to OpenStack-Ansible's main repository, changes to individual OpenStack services (such as nova or glance), and changes to OpenStack-Ansible roles (such as openstack-ansible-os_nova).

Following along with all of these changes can get complicated, and it can be a challenge for deployers who want to know if a particular OpenStack-Ansible version contains an important fix for an OpenStack service.

The osa-differ script has a goal of making this process easier. The script takes two OpenStack-Ansible commits and finds differences between them. Once it finds the differences, it outputs RestructuredText (RST).

Take a look at the example output.


The easiest method is to install via pip:

pip install osa_differ

To get the latest development version, install via the git repository:

pip install git+https://github.com/major/osa_differ


Start by using --help to review all of the available options:

$ osa-differ --help
usage: osa-differ

OpenStack-Ansible Release Diff Generator

Finds changes in OpenStack projects and OpenStack-Ansible roles between two
commits in OpenStack-Ansible.

positional arguments:
  old_commit            Git SHA of the older commit
  new_commit            Git SHA of the newer commit

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug output
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        Git repo storage directory (default: ~/.osa-differ)
  -u, --update          Fetch latest changes to repo

Limit scope:
  --skip-projects       Skip checking for changes in OpenStack projects
  --skip-roles          Skip checking for changes in OpenStack-Ansible roles

Output options:
  Note: Output is always printed to stdout unless --quiet is provided.

  --quiet               Do not output to stdout
  --gist                Output into a GitHub Gist
  --file FILENAME       Output to a file

Licensed "Apache 2.0"

Specifying commits to compare

The only required arguments are the commits you want to compare. Always provide the older commit first, followed by the newer commit:

# Compare changes from tags 13.3.0 to 13.3.1
osa-differ 13.3.0 13.3.1

# Compare changes between two specific commits
osa-differ 876b25a 94c1ba3

If you get the commits in the wrong order, don't worry. The script checks for that and will flip the order if it makes more sense.

Updating repositories

On the first run, the script will clone all of the relevant repositories into ~/.osa-differ. You can configure a different directory using --directory.

On subsequent runs, the script will use the repositories that were previously cloned and it won't try to fetch/pull them. If it's been a while since you've updated the repositories, run the script with --update and it will pull each repository as it looks for changes.

Limiting scope

The script will search for changes in all OpenStack projects and OpenStack-Ansible roles. You can limit the scope very easily:

# Don't look for changes in projects, only show changes in roles
osa-differ 13.3.0 13.3.1 --skip-projects

# The opposite - show projects, not roles
osa-differ 13.3.0 13.3.1 --skip-roles

Handling output

By default, RestructuredText (RST) output is displayed on-screen for easy copy-paste. However, you can disable stdout output with --quiet and choose a different option for output, such as a GitHub Gist or file.

Running tests

Simply run tox:

# If you're in a hurry and want to test Python 2.7 only
tox -e py27

# Run all available tests

Found a bug? Have a pull request?

Feel free to open issues here in GitHub or send over a pull request.

-- Major