Backup files and folders listed on a config file. Easily restore a backup.
make_backup allows you to copy very easily a list of files or folders and their path in a folder passed on parameter (or folder BACKUP if used without parameters).
The created folders end with a suffix according to date and version.
Edit ~/.make-backup to configure the files to track.
deploy_backup allows you to restore a backup previously created with make_backup.
- Clone or download this repository
$ git clone
- Add make-backup to your path, for example by editing ~/.bashrc
$ cd global-backup
$ echo "export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
Edit ~/.global-backup, adding one line per file or folder (full path)
Add current folder to ~/.global-backup :
$ pwd >> ~/.global-backup
- run make_backup :
$ make_backup NAME_BACKUP
The argument is optional, if not precised, make_backup will create the folder BACKUP, acoording to date and version.
Use: make_backup [OPTION..] [NAME_BACKUP]
Backup files and folders listed on ~/.global-backup to NAME_BACKUP_date_version or in BACKUP_date_version if used without parameters
-c, --compress Compress the backup in a .tar.gz
-d, --dry Dry run, print just all the commands that will be run by make_backup
-h, --help Display this help screen help = """Use: make_backup [OPTION..] [NAME_BACKUP]
-v, --verbose Print each command that will be run
Use: deploy_backup [OPTION..] [BACKUP]
Deploy backup files and folders and restore symlinks.
-d, --dry Dry run, print just all the commands that will be run by deploy_backup
-h, --help Display this help screen
-v, --verbose Print each command that will be run
Content ~/.global-backup :
$ cat ~/.global-backup
/home/user/2 words
Run make_backup :
$ make_backup example_backup
This command produces the folder example_backup_21_01_2017_v1
Content of our first backup :
$ tree -a example_backup_2017_1_21_v1/
├── .backuped
└── home
└── user
├── 2 words
│ └── d.txt
├── config.git
│ └── cmd
│ ├── catbash
│ ├── make_backup
│ ├── tarv
│ ├── tarvc
│ └── up_perl
└── .global-backup
Running it again will produce example_backup_21_01_2017_v2, etc.
If we run it the next day, it will produce the folder example_backup_22_01_2017_v1