- 3
The cookie "sanctum.token.cookie" was rejected because a non-HTTPS cookie cannot be set as "secure".
#226 opened by OrPh4ns - 14
- 2
[Question] Not loging a user after register
#215 opened by pwnz22 - 13
[Bug] Logout on refresh page
#209 opened by GabrielFrohlich - 2
401 error in cookie mode
#200 opened by mohamad4j - 2
[Bug] Unable to load user identity from API
#202 opened by donovanbroquin - 2
- 13
- 15
Could not convert argument of type symbol to string
#183 opened by ahoiroman - 18
- 2
- 0
Intercept the user endpoint response
#193 opened by tiagomatosweb - 10
[Question] 401 error get user
#191 opened by mohamad4j - 20
CSRF-Token error on 0.4.15
#188 opened by ahoiroman - 1
[Bug] Server side cookies
#187 opened by mohamad4j - 3
Login Function Returns 401 Error during user Fetch
#173 opened by mark033100 - 7
[Bug] Mode: token recieve nuxt error
#176 opened by filiptalev - 2
[Question] A composable that requires access to the Nuxt instance was called outside of a plugin, Nuxt hook, Nuxt middleware, or Vue setup function. This is probably not a Nuxt bug. Find out more at ``.
#175 opened by filiptalev - 4
[Bug] Excessive Session Creation During SSR with File Session Driver Causing Performance Degradation
#163 opened by carlosvaldesweb - 7
[Question][Feature] i18n Not Initialized in Server-Side Context During First Sanctum Request Interceptor Call
#162 opened by carlosvaldesweb - 2
use in pinia
#136 opened by iranpourX - 4
[Bug] iOS 16.2 Safari doesn't support regex
#155 opened by olliescase - 3
[Question] Not saving the token in the cookie, in token mode ("message":"Unauthenticated.")
#149 opened by eduardojsc18 - 2
- 0
[Bug] PageMeta is not augmented properly
#133 opened by manchenkoff - 10
- 4
[Help] Cannot persist login with ssr on
#143 opened by gaghigogu - 2
[Question] User inactivity go back and session is lost but still in some auth page
#140 opened by chapus - 2
- 2
- 3
CSRF token mismatch error
#139 opened by Fukao0129 - 1
[Question] Bearer Token
#138 opened by kusman28 - 0
[Feature] Migrate from GitBook to Nuxt Content
#137 opened by manchenkoff - 17
[Question] Maintenance page
#130 opened by webmaxx - 4
[nuxt] A composable that requires access to the Nuxt instance was called outside of a plugin, Nuxt hook, Nuxt middleware, or Vue setup function. This is probably not a Nuxt bug.
#134 opened by GabrielFrohlich - 3
[Feature] Different baseUrl for server side rendering
#115 opened by wethti - 3
[Question] backend not receiving other than necessary cookies from frontend
#132 opened by ibrunotome - 8
- 4
- 7
- 1
[Feature] Set custom headers from config
#129 opened by j-jalving - 6
419 problem
#127 opened by Jonston - 2
CSRF token mismatch
#126 opened by projct1 - 2
Is the useSanctumError exists?
#125 opened by projct1 - 2
[Question] What im doing wrong with mode: "token"
#124 opened by brocard - 1
- 4
- 4
Remote domain problem
#121 opened by Jonston - 2
[Feature] Verified / Unverified middleware
#119 opened by j-jalving - 5