
24 poker game using distributed computing technology in Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



24 poker game using distributed computing technology in Java

How to Play

At least two players are present. Cards of A,1,2...K are numbered as 1 to 13. Parse the formula to make up a sum of 24. If correct, players are then notified who is the winner and move to the next round.

The first one to guess the formula of


  • Use connection factory, queue and topic provided by Glassfish to simulate the server system.
  • Use JDBC to connect with SQLite database
  • Use SQL statements to calculate ranks
  • Use RMI to send remote procedure calls
  • A timer principle
    • Wait for 10 seconds for players to join.
    • If only 1 player is found after 10 seconds, wait until one more player joins and the game starts immediately.
    • If there are 4 players, ignore the timer and the game starts immediately.


  1. Install Java JDK.
  2. Pull the server files from here.
  3. Download and Install Glassfish
  4. Pull the client files from this repository.
  5. Open Commpand Prompt and start Glassfish domain as follows.
cd "C:\<glassfish directory>\bin"
asadmin start-domain
  1. Open a web browser and enter http://localhost:4848
  2. Create a connection factory.
  • Name: jms/JPoker24GameConnectionFactory
  • Type: javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
  1. Create two destination resources.
  • Queue
    • Name: jms/JPoker24GameQueue
    • Type: javax.jms.Queue
  • Topic
    • Name: jms/JPoker24GameTopic
    • Type: javax.jms.Topic
  1. Create a file called security.policy in the client and server folder and enter the following.
grant {
permission java.net.SocketPermission "*:1024-65535", "connect,accept";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "*:80", "connect";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
permission java.io.FilePermission "jpoker24game.sqlite", "read,write";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.*";
permission java.io.FilePermission ".", "read";
permission java.io.FilePermission "-", "read";
permission java.io.FilePermission "${java.io.tmpdir}/-", "read,write,delete";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";
permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setContextClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
permission java.io.FilePermission "lib\gf-client.jar", "read";
  1. Setup is done!

How to use

  1. Open Commpand Prompt and start Glassfish domain.
cd "C:\<glassfish directory>\bin"
asadmin start-domain
  1. Open another Command Prompt and start RMI registry.
cd "C:\<JDK directory>\bin"
start rmiregistry
  1. Open another Command Prompt and start the server.
java -Djava.security.policy="C:\<Poker24 directory>\security.policy" -cp "C:\<glassfish directory>\lib\gf-client.jar;C:\<Poker24 directory>\JPoker24GameServer.jar;C:\<Poker24 directory>\sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar" JPoker24GameServer jpoker24game.sqlite
  1. Open another Command Prompt and start the client.
java -Djava.security.policy="C:\<Poker24 directory>\security.policy" -cp "C:\<glassfish directory>\lib\gf-client.jar;C:\<Poker24 directory>\JPoker24GameServer.jar;C:\<Poker24 directory>\sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar" JPoker24GameServer jpoker24game.sqlite
  1. Done! You can play the game.