
Android library contain custom realisation of EditText component for masking and formatting input text

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Masked-Edittext android library EditText widget wrapper add masking and formatting input text functionality.

![Image phone number formatted input] (http://g.recordit.co/ROo3bzrX7k.gif)

![Image card number formatted input] (http://g.recordit.co/B8IuMTrsYi.gif)





compile 'com.github.pinball83:masked-edittext:1.0.3'

#Usage ###Quick start You can choose using this widget thought declaring it in layout resource xml

                app:mask="8 (***) *** **-**"

or programmatically create in source file

MaskedEditText maskedEditText = new MaskedEditText(this,
                "8 (***) *** **-**",
                new MaskedEditText.MaskIconCallback() {
                    public void onIconPushed() {
                        System.out.println("Icon pushed");
                        //Invoke here contact list or just clear input

MaskedEditText have following attributes

####XML ... app:mask = "8 () *** -" //mask app:notMaskedSymbol = "" //symbol for mapping allowed placeholders app:replacementChar = "#" //symbol which will be replaced notMasked symbol e.g. 8 (*) *** - will be 8 (###) ### ##-## by default it assign to whitespace app:deleteChar = "#" //symbol which will be replaced after deleting by default it assign to whitespace app:format = "[1][2][3] [4][5][6]-[7][8]-[10][9]" //set format of returned data input into MaskedEditText app:maskIcon = "@drawable/abc_ic_clear_mtrl_alpha" //icon for additional functionality clean input or invoke additional screens app:maskIconColor = "@color/colorPrimary" //icon tint color ...

####Java Simple instance

MaskedEditText editText = new MaskedEditText(context, "8 (***) *** **-**", "*"); //set mask to "8 (***) *** **-**" and not masked symbol to "*"

text setup and formatting

editText.setMaskedText("5551235567");                     //set text into widget it will be look like 8 (555) 123 55-67
editText.setFormat("[1][2][3] [4][5][6]-[7][8]-[10][9]"); //set format of returned data input into MaskedEditText e.g editText.getUnmaskedText() return 8 (555) 123 55-76

Widget instance with mask, icon button and callback

MaskedEditText maskedEditText = new MaskedEditText(this,
            "8 (***) *** **-**",
            new MaskedEditText.MaskIconCallback() {
                public void onIconPushed() {
                    System.out.println("Icon pushed");

Getting text

maskedEditText.getUnmaskedText() //return unmasked text
maskedEditText.getText()         //return mask and text