Re-doing the register method with almost a copy-paste to be able to call your own sendConfirmationEmail method that can be (again) almost a copy-paste but getting the URL from the environment.

  • env.example ➡️ has the CALLBACK_URL value. If you are using env file you can place it there. For dev purposes I also uploaded the VS Code's launch.json file where the environment variables can also be placed.

  • src/api/utils/services/email.js ➡️ a new sendConfirmationService has been created. It's almost the same as the original one but uses process.env.CALLBACK_URL for the URL.

  • src/extensions/user-permissions/strapi.server.js ➡️ a new register method overriding the original one. It's almost the same as the original one but calls await strapi.service('').sendConfirmationEmail(sanitizedUser);.

👇🏻 Here some insights as to why I solved it that way

First, the method responsible for sending the email is the sendConfirmationEmail inside @strapi/plugin-users-permissions/server/services/user. Inside that method you can (at least currently in Strapi version 4.4.3) find this code where you can see the URL being almost hardcoded:

const apiPrefix = strapi.config.get('');
    settings.message = await userPermissionService.template(settings.message, {
      URL: urlJoin(getAbsoluteServerUrl(strapi.config), apiPrefix, '/auth/email-confirmation'),
      SERVER_URL: getAbsoluteServerUrl(strapi.config),
      ADMIN_URL: getAbsoluteAdminUrl(strapi.config),
      USER: sanitizedUserInfo,
      CODE: confirmationToken,

So, my first thought would've been to override the whole sendConfirmationEmail method following the Plugins Extensions documentation, but I've taken a look at what register method does in @strapi/plugin-users-permissions/server/controllers/auth and it gets the sendConfirmationEmail function on the fly, so even if overridden it will still call the original function:

 if (settings.email_confirmation) {
      try {
        await getService('user').sendConfirmationEmail(sanitizedUser);
      } catch (err) {
        throw new ApplicationError(err.message);

      return ctx.send({ user: sanitizedUser });