
wargame that contains vulnerable smart contract that needs to be hacked

Primary LanguageSolidity

Ethernaut Capture the Flag (CTF) Challenge Solutions

Ethernaut Logo

This repository contains tips to solving the Ethernaut Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges. I decided not to drop full solutions to the challenges, but rather give hints and tips to solving them. I hope you find this useful!

Challenge 1: Hello Ethernaut

Solved✅ Screenshot


To solve the "Hello Ethernaut" challenge, read carefully the abi of the HelloEthernaut contract and call the password function, this will return the password which is used as the parameter for calling the authenticate function and this unlocks the level.

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/HelloEthernaut.sol

Challenge 2: Fallback

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • Claim ownership of the contract
  • Withdraw the contract's funds


To solve the "Fallback" challenge, You need to understand the how receive and fallback function works in Solidity

  • When msg.data is empty, the receive function is called.
  • When msg.data is not empty, the fallback function is called.

To solve this challenge, you need to send a transaction to the contract with some data, this will call the receive function and ownership will be transfered to you which is the first objective. Lastly, since you are the owner of the contract, you have the access to call the withdraw function to drain out the wallet and this will unlock the level.

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/Fallback.sol

Challenge 3: Fallout

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • Claim ownership of the contract


The tips here is just to pay kin attention to how constructors are defined and avoid common spelling mistakes.

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/Fallout.sol

Challenge 4: Coin Flip

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • Guess the correct outcome of the coin flip 10 times in a row


The tips is to study the vulnerability associated with the method used to generate random numbers in the smart contract. In this case, the blockhash method is used to generate random numbers and this is vulnerable to miner manipulation.

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/CoinFlip.sol

Challenge 5: Telephone

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • Claim ownership of the contract


What is the difference between msg.sender and tx.origin? and What parameter changes the contract owner?

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/Telephone.sol

Challenge 6: Token

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • You are given 20 token, find a way to hack the contract and get more tokens


What is Overflow and Underflow? and How can you exploit it? What is Odometer and how can you exploit it? What is OpenZeppelin SafeMath library and how can you use it to prevent overflow and underflow?

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/Token.sol

Challenge 7: Delegation

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • Claim ownership of the contract


What is DelegateCall and how can you exploit it?

Dont keep banging your head sending data via Remix, check other ways to send data to a contract.

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/Delegation.sol

Challenge 8: Force

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • Send ethers to this empty contract


What are forceful ways to send ether to a smart contract? Have you heard of selfdestruct?

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/Force.sol

Challenge 9: Vault

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • Unlock the vault to pass the level!


Is anything hidden on the blockchain? Have you heard of slot manipulation?

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/Vault.sol

Challenge 10: King

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • Become the king and prevent the contract from being the king


What are the different ways to send ether to a smart contract? whats the difference between these methods?

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/King.sol

Challenge 11: Re-entrancy

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • Withdraw all the funds from the contract


What is re-entrancy and how can you exploit it?

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/Reentrance.sol

Challenge 12: Elevator

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • Reach the top floor of the building


How can you exploit the goTo function? How does interface work in solidity to build a contract that can interact with another contract?

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/Elevator.sol

Challenge 13: Privacy

Solved✅ Screenshot

Task 🧵

  • unlock the level


How does type casting work in solidity? How do you get the value of a private variable in a contract?

  • Smart Contract and Solution: contract/Privacy.sol


This repository is for educational and demonstration purposes only. The code in this repository is not optimized for production use and may contain security vulnerabilities. Use it at your own risk.