
Patient profiling enables several other platforms of different hospitals to be linked to a common hub where information can be gathered and shared for the welfare of patients. Through the help of such online profiles, patients can track their medical condition and ease the treatment process.

Primary LanguageCSS

Patient Profiling System

Requires: Django 2,

psycopg2 (for Postgres),

qrcode 6.0 ( pip install qrcode[pil] )

django_crontab(pip install django-crontab) : after installing, add 'django_crotab' to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py

For more info: https://github.com/kraiz/django-crontab

widget_tweaks(pip install django-widget-tweaks) : after installing, add 'widget_tweaks' to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py

To start the system:

1> First, create a file local_settings.py in same folder where settings.py is

2> Add SECRET_KEY and DATABASES fields in local_settings.py

NOTE: local_settings.py is already imported in settings.py

  So just create the file, add the fields, run the migrations and the app should start running


There's 5 types of accounts

Admin (will be added soon)





Register and login views have been developed

use decorator LoggedInAs (for functions in Class-Based Views)

       or logged_in_as (for function based views)

to check the account currently logged in.

(For more info, see implementation in accounts.decorators and examples in accounts.views)