
QrCode Scanning app for PatientProfiling that generates a unique token for patients if the useridin found in our normalized database of patients.

Primary LanguagePython


QrCode Scanning app for PatientProfiling that generates a unique token for patients if the useridin found in our normalized database of patients.


  • Django 2.0.6
  • Python 3.6
  • PostgreSQL 10
  • django-qr-code module

Apps: 1.QrScanner - used by receptionist 2.QRgenerate - should be called when user wants to generate his own QR code from profile app 3.TestApp - dummy app containing models of UserAccount named Test User - model named UniqueScan contains [user, unique_id, timestap] where user is a foreign key and has objects of TestUser

If user's qr code gets scanned within 1 week of previous scan, timestamp will be changed to "now". However the unique key remains unaltered, If user's qr code gets scanned after 1 week of previous scan, new object with new unique key and current timestamp will be created.

Note: If data decoded from qr code (user_id) doesnot matches the user_id in UserAccount, print("Error"). U may render error message in a unique way.