
Once clusrter is set up

  • ensure the below docker images are updated in docker registry ( currently using doker hub )
    • konarpriyanku/xebia_fe
    • konarpriyanku/xebia_be
    • the db_chart internally uses the repository bitnami/mongodb
  • install the helm charts
  • cd into dir xebia-microservice-mean-backend
  • run "helm dep list api-chart"
  • helm dep update api-chart ( will put the db-chart dependency within the chart folder inside api-chart folder )
  • after running the above command you shoiuld see db-0.1.0.tgz file within api-chart/chart folder
  • dry run your char before actual install by running "helm install --debug --dry-run ./mychart."
  • update the dependent api-chart by running " helm dep update api-chart"
  • run "helm install --name api -f ./api-chart/custom_values.yaml ./api-chart" to install the chart in kubernetes

to seehow to deploy using helm chart plesae refer repo