
Simple rewrite of the free version of UltimateShops that incorporates a change rate function at the customergui.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Simple rewrite of the free version of UltimateShops that incorporates a change rate function for the customer GUI. This allows customers to decide if they would like to purchase a multiplication of the amount of items presented by the seller. Advantages are less spam in chat (for buyer and seller) and less transaction handling.


  • This plugin requires Vault to be installed.
  • This plugin requires a "Vault Economy Provider" plugin to be installed. Some examples: Essentials, AConomy.

How to use:

  • Create an executable .jar file from the code in this repository
  • Put the .jar in the plugins folder of your 1.13.2 server from, for example, craftbukkit
  • By modifying the config files in the "UltimateShops" folder generated by the jar, you can change how the plugin performs to your liking. You must restart your server or use "/ushops reload" to apply changes.