
Learn Apache Cassandra fundamentals in this hands-on workshop

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🎓🔥 Intro to Cassandra for Developers using DataStax Astra DB 🔥🎓

Welcome to the 'Intro to Cassandra for Developers' workshop! In this two-hour workshop, the Developer Advocate team of DataStax shows the most important fundamentals and basics of the powerful distributed NoSQL database Apache Cassandra. Using Astra DB, the cloud based Cassandra-as-a-Service platform delivered by DataStax, we will cover the very first steps for every developer who wants to try to learn a new database: creating tables and CRUD operations.

It doesn't matter if you join our workshop live or you prefer to do at your own pace, we have you covered. In this repository, you'll find everything you need for this workshop:


To complete the workshop and get verified badge, follow these simple steps:

  1. Watch the workshop live or recorded.
  2. Complete the workshop practice as described below and make the screenshot of the last step (result of the DELETE in "Execute CRUD", see here).
  3. Complete the following short courses: Cassandra Data Modeling and Cassandra Query Language. Take screenshots of the "Congratulations" page from each course.
  4. Submit the Homework attaching the screenshots.

Table of Contents

Title Description
Slide deck Slide deck for the workshop
1. Create your Astra Db instance Create your Astra Db instance
2. Create a table Create a table
3. Execute CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations Execute CRUD operations

1. Create your Astra DB instance

ASTRA DB is the simplest way to run Cassandra with zero operations at all - just push the button and get your cluster. No credit card required, $25.00 USD credit every month, roughly 5M writes, 30M reads, 40GB storage monthly - sufficient to run small production workloads.

✅ Register (if needed) and Sign In to Astra DB https://astra.datastax.com: You can use your Github, Google accounts or register with an email.

Make sure to chose a password with minimum 8 characters, containing upper and lowercase letters, at least one number and special character

✅ Choose "Start Free Now"

Choose the "Start Free Now" plan, then "Get Started" to work in the free tier.

You will have plenty of free initial credit (renewed each month!), roughly corresponding to 40 GB of storage, 30M reads and 5M writes.

If this is not enough for you, congratulations! You are most likely running a mid- to large-sized business! In that case you should switch to a paid plan.

(You can follow this guide to set up your free-tier database with the $25 monthly credit.)


To create the database:

  • For the database name - killrvideocluster. While Astra DB allows you to fill in these fields with values of your own choosing, please follow our recommendations to ensure the application runs properly.

  • For the keyspace name - killrvideo. It's really important that you use the name "nosql1" for the code to work. In short:

Parameter Value
Database name killrvideocluster
Keyspace name killrvideo

You can technically use whatever you want and update the code to reflect the keyspace. This is really to get you on a happy path for the first run.

  • For provider and region: Choose and provider (either GCP, AWS or Azure). Region is where your database will reside physically (choose one close to you or your users).

  • Create the database. Review all the fields to make sure they are as shown, and click the Create Database button.

You will see your new database pending in the Dashboard.


The status will change to Active when the database is ready, this will only take 2-3 minutes. You will also receive an email when it is ready.

👁️ Walkthrough


2. Create a table

Ok, now that you have a database created the next step is to create a table to work with.

✅ Step 2a. Navigate to the CQL Console and login to the database

In the Summary screen for your database, select CQL Console from the top menu in the main window. This will take you to the CQL Console and automatically log you in.

Show me!

✅ Step 2b. Describe keyspaces and USE killrvideo

Ok, now we're ready to rock. Creating tables is quite easy, but before we create one we need to tell the database which keyspace we are working with.

First, let's DESCRIBE all of the keyspaces that are in the database. This will give us a list of the available keyspaces.

📘 Command to execute


"desc" is short for "describe", either is valid.

CQL commands usually end with a semicolon ;. If you hit Enter, nothing happens and you don't even get your prompt back, most likely it's because you have not closed the command with ;. If in trouble, you can always get back to the prompt with Ctrl-C and start typing the command anew.

📗 Expected output

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 13 54 55

Depending on your setup you might see a different set of keyspaces than in the image. The one we care about for now is killrvideo. From here, execute the USE command with the killrvideo keyspace to tell the database our context is within killrvideo.

Take advantage of the TAB-completion in the CQL Console. Try typing use kill and then pressing TAB, for example.

📘 Command to execute

use killrvideo;

📗 Expected output

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 13 55 56

Notice how the prompt displays <username>@cqlsh:killrvideo> informing us we are using the killrvideo keyspace. Now we are ready to create our table.

✅ Step 2c. Create the users_by_city table

At this point we can execute a command to create the users_by_city table using the information provided during the workshop presentation. Just copy/paste the following command into your CQL console at the prompt.

📘 Command to execute

// Users keyed by city
	city text, 
	last_name text, 
	first_name text, 
	address text, 
	email text, 
	PRIMARY KEY ((city), last_name, first_name, email));

Then DESCRIBE your keyspace tables to ensure it is there.

📘 Command to execute

desc tables;

📗 Expected output

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 13 57 32

Aaaand BOOM, you created a table in your database. That's it. Now, we'll move to the next section in the presentation and break down the method used to create a data model with Apache Cassandra.

🏠 Back to Table of Contents

3. Execute CRUD operations

CRUD operations stand for create, read, update, and delete. Simply put, they are the basic types of commands you need to work with ANY database in order to maintain data for your applications.

✅ Step 3a. Create a couple more tables

We started by creating the users_by_city table earlier, but now we need to create some tables to support user and video comments per the "Art of Data Modeling" section of the presentation. Let's go ahead and do that now. Execute the following statements to create our tables.

📘 Commands to execute

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS comments_by_user (
    userid uuid,
    commentid timeuuid,
    videoid uuid,
    comment text,
    PRIMARY KEY ((userid), commentid)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS comments_by_video (
    videoid   uuid,
    commentid timeuuid,
    userid    uuid,
    comment   text,
    PRIMARY KEY ((videoid), commentid)

Then DESCRIBE your keyspace tables to ensure they are both there.

📘 Command to execute

desc tables;

📗 Expected output

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 13 59 50

✅ Step 3b. (C)RUD = create = insert data

Our tables are in place so let's put some data in them. This is done with the INSERT statement. We'll start by inserting data into the comments_by_user table.

📘 Commands to execute

// Comment for a given user
INSERT INTO comments_by_user (
  userid, //uuid: unique id for a user
  commentid, //timeuuid: unique uuid + timestamp
  videoid, //uuid: id for a given video
  comment //text: the comment text
  'I so grew up in the 80''s'

// More comments for the same user for the same video
INSERT INTO comments_by_user (userid, commentid, videoid, comment)
VALUES (11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111, NOW(), 12345678-1234-1111-1111-111111111111, 'I keep watching this video');
INSERT INTO comments_by_user (userid, commentid, videoid, comment)
VALUES (11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111, NOW(), 12345678-1234-1111-1111-111111111111, 'Soo many comments for the same video');

// A comment from another user for the same video
INSERT INTO comments_by_user (userid, commentid, videoid, comment)
VALUES (22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222, NOW(), 12345678-1234-1111-1111-111111111111, 'I really like this video too!');

Note, we are using "fake" generated UUID's in this dataset. If you wanted to generate UUID's on the fly just use UUID() per the documentation HERE.

Ok, let's INSERT more this time using the comments_by_video table.

📘 Commands to execute

// Comment for a given video
INSERT INTO comments_by_video (
  videoid, //uuid: id for a given video
  commentid, //timeuuid: unique uuid + timestamp
  userid, //uuid: unique id for a user
  comment //text: the comment text
  'This is such a cool video'

// More comments for the same video by different users
INSERT INTO comments_by_video (videoid, commentid, userid, comment)
VALUES(12345678-1234-1111-1111-111111111111, NOW(), 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222, 'Such a killr edit');
// Ignore the hardcoded value for "commentid" instead of NOW(), we'll get to that later.
INSERT INTO comments_by_video (videoid, commentid, userid, comment)
VALUES(12345678-1234-1111-1111-111111111111, 494a3f00-e966-11ea-84bf-83e48ffdc8ac, 77777777-7777-7777-7777-777777777777, 'OMG that guy Patrick is such a geek!');

// A comment for a different video from another user
INSERT INTO comments_by_video (videoid, commentid, userid, comment)
VALUES(08765309-1234-9999-9999-111111111111, NOW(), 55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555, 'Never thought I''d see a music video about databases');

✅ Step 3c. C(R)UD = read = read data

Now that we've inserted a set of data, let's take a look at how to read that data back out. This is done with a SELECT statement. In its simplest form we could just execute a statement like the following **cough **cough:

SELECT * FROM comments_by_user;

You may have noticed my coughing fit a moment ago. Even though you can execute a SELECT statement with no partition key definied this is NOT something you should do when using Apache Cassandra. We are doing it here for illustration purposes only and because our dataset only has a handful of values. Given the data we inserted earlier a more proper statement would be something like:

SELECT * FROM comments_by_user WHERE userid = 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111;

The key is to ensure we are always selecting by some partition key at a minimum.

Ok, so with that out of the way let's READ the data we "created" earlier with our INSERT statements.

📘 Commands to execute

// Read all data from the comments_by_user table
SELECT * FROM comments_by_user;

// Read all data from the comments_by_video table
SELECT * FROM comments_by_video;

📗 Expected output

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 14 03 18

Once you execute the above SELECT statements you should see something like the expected output above. We have now READ the data we INSERTED earlier. Awesome job!

BTW, just a little extra for those who are interested. Since we used a TIMEUUID type for our commentid field we can use the dateOf() function to determine the timestamp from the value. Check it out.

// Read all data from the comments_by_user table, 
// convert commentid into a timestamp, and label the column "datetime"
select userid, dateOf(commentid) as datetime, videoid, comment from comments_by_user;

✅ Step 3d. CR(U)D = update = update data

At this point we've CREATED and READ some data, but what happens when you want to change some existing data to some new value? That's where UPDATE comes into play.

Let's take one of the records we created earlier and modify it. If you remember earlier we INSERTED the following record in the comments_by_video table.

INSERT INTO comments_by_video (
  'OMG that guy Patrick is such a geek!'

Let's also take a look at the comments_by_video table we created earlier. In order to UPDATE an existing record we need to know the primary key used to CREATE the record.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS comments_by_video (
    videoid   uuid,
    commentid timeuuid,
    userid    uuid,
    comment   text,
    PRIMARY KEY ((videoid), commentid)

So looking at PRIMARY KEY ((videoid), commentid) both videoid and commentid are used to create a unique row. We'll need both to update our record.

You may remember that I also glossed over the fact we used a hardcoded value for commentid when we created this record. This was done to simulate someone editing an existing comment for a video in our application. Imagine the UX for such a need. At the point a user clicks the "edit" button information for our videoid and commentid are provided in order to UPDATE the record.

We have the information that we need for the update. With that, the command is easy.

📘 Commands to execute

UPDATE comments_by_video 
SET comment = 'OMG that guy Patrick is on fleek' 
WHERE videoid = 12345678-1234-1111-1111-111111111111 AND commentid = 494a3f00-e966-11ea-84bf-83e48ffdc8ac;

SELECT * FROM comments_by_video;

📗 Expected output

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 14 05 21

That's it. All that's left now is to DELETE some data.

✅ Step 3e. CRU(D) = delete = remove data

The final operation from our CRUD acronym is DELETE. This is the operation we use when we want to remove data from the database. In Apache Cassandra you can DELETE from the cell level all the way up to the partition (meaning I could remove a single column in a single row or I could remove a whole partition) using the same DELETE command.

Generally speaking, it's best to perform as few delete operations as possible on the largest amount of data. Think of it this way, if you want to delete ALL data in a table, don't delete each individual cell, just TRUNCATE the table. If you need to delete all the rows in a partition, don't delete each row, DELETE the partition and so on.

For our purpose now let's DELETE the same row we were working with earlier.

📘 Commands to execute

DELETE FROM comments_by_video 
WHERE videoid = 12345678-1234-1111-1111-111111111111 AND commentid = 494a3f00-e966-11ea-84bf-83e48ffdc8ac;

SELECT * FROM comments_by_video;

📗 Expected output

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 14 07 05

Notice the row is now removed from the comments_by_video table, it's as simple as that.

Homework note

To submit the homework, please take a screenshot of the CQL Console showing the rows in table comments_by_video before and after executing the DELETE statement.

4. Wrapping up

We've just scratched the surface of what you can do using DataStax Astra DB with Apache Cassandra. Go take a look at DataStax for Developers to see what else is possible. There's plenty to dig into!


Don't forget to submit your homework to get verified "upgrade complete" badge!