To run multiple instances of the service with different .yml.
To build the fat jar, use: gradle shadowJar
To clean gradle clean
Default used the jmodern.yml file so just run: java -jar build/libs/loancalc.jar
To run 2nd instance on a different port, run: New terminal window Set PORT environmental variable Startup using java -jar build/libs/loancalc.jar
Access the URL by doing: http://localhost:9000/loan //this returns calculation based on defaults of 15000, 3.0 and 60 http://localhost:9000/loan?principle=10000&rate=2.5&term=48 http://localhost:9000/loan?principle=30000&rate=2.99&term=60 curl http://localhost:9000/loan curl http://localhost:9000/loan?principle=30000&rate=2.99&term=60
1.) Create free Heroku account
2.) Download and install free Heroku command line tools
3.) Clean the project gradle clean
4.) Build using shadow plugin (you can find this build file in loanFinal) gradle shadowJar
5.) From command line, login to Heroku heroku login
6.) Install heroku deploy plugin heroku plugins:install
7.) Create heroku app (be sure to see the app name) heroke create
8.) Deploy executable jar to heroku using app name from step 7 heroku deploy:jar --jar build/libs/loancalc.jar --app <<app name from 7>> -i dwheroku.yml