
This repository contains the source code pytorch realization of PPO for solving openai gym enviroments.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Proximal Policy Optimization

                      Classic control

Acrobot-v1       CartPole-v1      MountainCarContinuous-v0          Pendulum-v0

           Box2D                          Roboschool

LunarLanderContinuous-v2   BipedalWalker-v3     RoboschoolAnt-v1     RoboschoolHalfCheetah-v1

This repository contains the source code pytorch realization of PPO for solving openai gym enviroments.

Proximal Policy Optimization is the one of state of the art reinforcement learning algorithm, its main feature is the control of policy changes, we don't want to deviate too much from the old policy when recalculating weights.

All solved environments with hyperparameters are available here opeanai_ppo.ipynb
The code is based on this repository - https://github.com/MrSyee/pg-is-all-you-need.