
Control screenreader software without remembering keyboard shortcuts on a second device, e.g. a smartphone. Just click buttons.

Primary LanguageCSS


"Screenreader shortcuts are hard to remember" is no longer a valid excuse! ;-)

Training / learning tool for web accessibility. Use your smartphone, tablet or another device as remote control for a screenreader.

State: Experimental, use with caution

Currently supported: Voice Over (Apple Mac)

Demo video:

🎥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZCS_kytKj0

Install / Run

  • npm install
  • npm start


Locally: npm run make

Bump version number via npm, new tag is create automatically and pushing the tag will trigger a build on GitHub action:

  • npm version minor
  • git push --follow-tags

See: https://dev.to/erikhofer/build-and-publish-a-multi-platform-electron-app-on-github-3lnd

Built with

  • electron-forge
  • node-applescript
  • websocket
  • express
  • quick-local-ip

Thanks to https://github.com/mafikes/electron-websocket-express/

TODOs / ideas

  • add SvelteKit via https://github.com/FractalHQ/sveltekit-electron or https://github.com/Dax89/electron-sveltekit
  • implement start/stop websocket server
  • add github pipeline, test dmg for mac (permissions must be given?)
  • ! show local ip as qr code in electron app
    • use ipc bridge for secure communication to get data for electron app frontend (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/59888788)
    • ! add secure key for more secure server <-> client connection
  • show connection status in remote control web app
  • screenreader support?
    • add NVDA windows support (not quite sure if easily possible?!)
    • add orca linux support (not quite sure if easily possible?!)


In last fall I started working as web developer again. Web Accessibility is now part of my daily job, so I needed to learn fast. A big struggle I had at first was operating screenreader software. There are just a lot of keyboard shortcuts to learn while I just wanted to get a basic feeling of how a website is read to screenreader users. Like "Does the screenreader even recognize my button?!". I'm not sure, but maybe a lot of developers postpone learning a11y skills because of this initial hurdle? This project is another attempt to provide a simple learning and test tool for a11y-beginners.

Disclaimer: I'm an a11y newbie. I try to respect Nothing About Us Without Us as much as possible. Feedback is very welcome. :-)


My own scripts are available as CC0 / Public Domain (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en). Please see package.json for a list of Open Source Libraries used (and their respective license). I'll provide a LICENSE and CREDITS file in future.