
Discord API wrapper for creating bots.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Discord API for creating bots.

This project is still in its infancy and may contain bugs or not fully implement the Discord API.

This is a byproduct of writing a bot for a gaming community and as a learning experience (so implementation has mostly been as needed). Also I didn't like the existing libraries I came across. Now that I'm putting this up here I hope it motivates me to really polish this off.


  • requests
  • websocket-client

Blatantly missing

  • Proper packaging with setup.py (Will try to do this for the next commit - for now just put this code in with your python 2.7 packages)
  • Python 3.x support
  • Voice Connections

Important but only partially implemented

  • Data caching (available guilds, channels, and users)
  • Connection loss recovery (Recently "fixed" - we'll see how that goes)
  • Reconnect OP code not implemented yet
  • Command manager

Important but not started

  • Centralized configuration
  • Automated sharding support

Example usage

import re

from .client import Client
from .extras.command import CommandManager, Command

TOKEN = 'YOUR TOKEN HERE'  # Goto https://discordapp.com/login?redirect_to=/developers/applications/me to setup your bot account

client = Client(token=TOKEN)
manager = CommandManager(client)

DICE_ROLL_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(\d+) ?d ?(\d+)(?: ?([+-]) ?(\d+))?$')

class Roll(Command):
    description = 'Roll dice just like in the real world, but with less randomness (ie. 1d20+4).'

    def target(self, payload, raw, *args):
        m = DICE_ROLL_REGEX.match(raw)

        if m is None:
            self.client.messages.put(payload.channel_id, "<@!{}> You want me to roll what?".format(payload.author.id))

        count = int(m.group(1))
        sides = int(m.group(2))
        modifier_sign = m.group(3)
        modifier_magnitude = m.group(4)

        if sides <= 0 or sides > 100:
            self.client.messages.put(payload.channel_id, "<@!{}>... I'm not rolling that size of a die. :expressionless:".format(payload.author.id))

        if count <= 0 or count > 100:
            self.client.messages.put(payload.channel_id, "<@!{}>... I'm not rolling that many dice. :expressionless:".format(payload.author.id))

        results = []
        for x in xrange(count):
            results.append(randint(1, sides))

        final = sum(results)
        if modifier_sign and modifier_magnitude:
            modifier_magnitude = int(modifier_magnitude)

            if modifier_sign == '+':
                final = final + modifier_magnitude
            elif modifier_sign == '-':
                final = final - modifier_magnitude

        if len(results) > 1:
            last = results.pop()
            self.client.messages.put(payload.channel_id, '<@!{}> I rolled *{}* and *{}*{}  to get ***{}***.'.format(
                ', '.join([str(r) for r in results]),
                '' if not modifier_magnitude else ' *{} {}*'.format('plus' if modifier_sign == '+' else 'minus', modifier_magnitude),
            self.client.messages.put(payload.channel_id, '<@!{}> I rolled *{}*{}  to get ***{}***.'.format(
                '' if not modifier_magnitude else ' *{} {}*'.format('plus' if modifier_sign == '+' else 'minus', modifier_magnitude),

with client: