
Tiny virtual machine for math calculations

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Virtual Machine : IMPv0

By Mark Mandriota


Memory Model

organization method kind size
static stack 64-bit

Instruction Structure

4-bit 1-bit 1-bit 1-bit 1-bit

(total size: 8-bit)

Instruction Set

code name arg stack ret stack synopsis
0x0 REDO mm mm; mm duplicate last
0x1 UNDO mm delete last
0x2 HROT mm; mm mm; mm rotate stack up-down
0x3 TROT mm; mm mm; mm rotate stack down-up
0x4 SWAP mm; mm mm; mm exchange 2 elements
0x5 JUMP mm jump to code position
0x6 TEST mm compare values
0x7 IPUT mm get in data
0x8 OPUT mm put out data
0x9 LINC mm; mm mm x+y
0xA LDEC mm; mm mm x-y
0xB QINC mm; mm mm x=x+k
0xC QDEC mm; mm mm x=x-k


If flag is setted, then pops N from the stack and repeats instruction while condf≠0 and k<N

Combined Conditional Flags

code name combination synopsis
0b100 LF LF x<y (lower)
0b011 NLF GF; EF x≥y (not lower)
0b010 EF EF x=y (equal)
0b101 NEF LF; GF x≠y (not equal)
0b001 GF GF x>y (greater)
0b110 NGF LF; EF x≤y (not greater)
0b111 AF LF; GF; EF 1 (always)
0b000 AF 1 (always)