
IoT Malware Detection based on Graph Theory

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Graph Theory Detector

ref. ALASMARY, Hisham, et al. Analyzing and detecting emerging Internet of Things malware: A graph-based approach. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6.5: 8977-8988.



  • The main program is a malware detector.

    • Input : a binary file
    • Output : prob. of each class predicted by ML model
    • Flow :
      • reverse the bin and extract the feature
      • load the model
      • predict
      • print the result
      • write the result -> output csv file

Feature Extraction

  • We reverse the binary file to function call graph(FCG) by r2pipe, then extract the attribute of FCG:

    • number of nodes

    • number of edges

    • density

    • (mean, max, min, median, std) of closeness_centrality

    • (mean, max, min, median, std) of betweenness_centrality

    • (mean, max, min, median, std) of degree_centrality

    • (mean, max, min, median, std) of shortestpaths.avglen

    The dimension of feature is 23.


  • python3
  • radare2
  • python package
    • r2pipe
    • networkx
    • joblib
    • argparse
    • sklearn


  • FeatureConstruction : some code about gpickle to feature.csv (for training, validation)
  • Modeling : some code about training and saving the model
  • MD(FC)_Model : save the model with .joblib, e.g. rf.joblib
  • TestingBin : some binary for testing
  • main.py : the detector(classifier)
  • graphity.py : module for feature extraction
  • utils.py : some useful func.
  • scaler.joblib : scale the feature vector


  • unzip models to FC_Model and MD_Model: make
  • input binary: -i <path>, --input-path <path>
  • model: -m <model>, --model <model>
    • rf, mlp, knn, svm
  • output (record): -o <path>, --output-path <path>
  • Malware Detection / Family Classification
    • do nothing if you wanna do malware detection(binary clf)
    • add -c if you wanna do family classification
  • e.g. python main.py -i testingBin/0021eaf2 -o myDetector_FC_records.csv -m rf -c
    • using trained rf family classifier(-c), predict '0021eaf2' and write the result to 'myDetector_FC_records.csv'
    • add -W ignore if you keep getting bothered by warning msg


  • a output csv file for a experiment

    • e.g.

      for bin in bins:
        cmd = 'python main.py -i ' + bin
        cmd += ' -m rf -o GraphTheoryDetector_RF_MD.csv'

      specify another output file if you wanna do FC task or you wanna change the model

  • output file format

    Filename Benignware Malware
    00ffe391 0.97 0.03
    00f391fe 0.967 165.51
    1fe00f39 -1
    • it will record the prob of each class
    • -1 means fail

Model Performance

  • Malware Detection

    Models Accuracy Time cost
    RandomForest 0.97 5.01
    KNN 0.967 165.51
    SVM 0.772 1606.21
    MLP 0.879 49.51
  • Family Classification

    Models Accuracy Time cost
    RandomForest 0.952 4.21
    KNN 0.944 104.92
    SVM 0.71 1562.06
    MLP 0.887 70.99