
First stage selection problem solution of KisanHub selection process

Primary LanguageJava


First stage selection problem solution of KisanHub selection process

URL: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/datasets#yearOrdered [Year ordered statistics section]

  1. Data parsing - Please use Java.

1.1 Use above URL and write code to programmatically download the data for Max temp,Min temp,Mean temp, Sunshine, and Rainfall for UK, England, Wales, and Scotland regions.

1.2 Parse ALL downloaded files and create a single file called weather.csv to write the above data in the following format:

region_code,weather_param,year,key,value England,Max temp,1910,JAN,5.4 England,Max temp,1910,FEB,6.8 .. .. England,Min temp,1910,JAN,2.3 .. Wales,Max temp,1910,JAN,5.4 and soon

Note:Please handle missing data by putting "N/A" in the output file weather.csv

2.Find 3 interesting facts from the above data set and present it to us.