
A curated list of awesome tools and resources about dev containers for common programming languages and technology stacks to boost your developer productivity ๐Ÿš€

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A curated list of awesome tools and resources about dev containers for common programming languages
and technology stacks to boost your developer productivity ๐Ÿš€

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  • VS Code Remote Development - An extension pack that lets you open any folder in a container, on a remote machine, or in WSL and take advantage of VS Code's full feature set.
  • Unofficial devcontainer CLI - An experimental CLI to improve the experience of working with Visual Studio Code dev containers.
  • devcontainer-build-run - A GitHub action and Azure DevOps task aimed at making it easier to re-use a Visual Studio Code devcontainer in a GitHub workflow or Azure DevOps pipeline.
  • vscli - A CLI/TUI which makes it easy to launch vscode projects from the terminal, with a focus on dev containers. Also supports projects with multiple dev containers.
  • ๐Ÿ‘” tyedev - Improve Devcontainer Creation - An interactive experience for the creation of a devcontainer. Provides ability to search for features and templates. And more!
  • Pieces โ€” An on-device copilot that helps you capture, enrich, and reuse code, streamline collaboration, and solve complex problems through a contextual understanding of your workflow.

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  • Try Out Development Containers: C++ - C++ sample project for trying out the VS Code Remote - Containers extension (maintained by Microsoft).
  • C++ image - Develop C++ applications on Linux. Includes Debian C++ build tools (maintained by Microsoft).


  • Go Dev Container - Ultimate Go development container for Visual Studio Code.
  • Try Out Development Containers: Go - Go sample project for trying out the VS Code Remote - Containers extension (maintained by Microsoft).
  • Go image - Develop Go based applications. Includes appropriate runtime args, Go, common tools, extensions, and dependencies (maintained by Microsoft).


  • Try Out Development Containers: Java - Java sample project for trying out the VS Code Remote - Containers extension (maintained by Microsoft).
  • Java image - Develop Java applications. Includes the JDK and Java extensions (maintained by Microsoft).


  • Try Out Development Containers: .NET Core - .NET Core sample project for trying out the VS Code Remote - Containers extension (maintained by Microsoft).
  • .NET image - Develop C# and .NET based applications. Includes all needed SDKs, extensions, and dependencies (maintained by Microsoft).



  • Try Out Development Containers: PHP - PHP sample project for trying out the VS Code Remote - Containers extension (maintained by Microsoft).
  • PHP image - Develop PHP based applications. Includes needed tools, extensions, and dependencies (maintained by Microsoft).




  • Try Out Development Containers: Rust - Rust sample project for trying out the VS Code Remote - Containers extension (maintained by Microsoft).
  • Rust image - Develop Rust based applications. Includes appropriate runtime args and everything you need to get up and running (maintained by Microsoft).


  • ROS dev container for VS Code - A preconfigured docker image for ROS (Robot Operating System) development. Preconfigured code completion for C++, Python, XML (package.xml, launchfiles, URDF, SDF). Preconfigured simulation environments (Flatland, TurtleBot3, ARIAC, Virtual RobotX, UUV).

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