Simple Serverless

This is a simple serverless project I created to help me in the development of Serverless sequelize migrations.


This is for local development only, and the database environment variables were commited here because there is no need to prepare the project for multiple environments. bash

There is a bash file with some helper functions to setup local environment. To use it, open the terminal on the root directory of the project and run:


The following functions are currently available:

start_infra ................... Creates and runs the PostgreSQL container using docker-compose
db_create ..................... Runs a SQL script to create a DB on the PostgreSQL container
db_destroy .................... Stops and removes the PostgreSQL container

Using the serverless sequelize migrations plugin

There are two options to use the plugin.

  1. Using npm package:
In the serverless.yml plugin's section, configure the plugin as: 
- serverless-sequelize-migrations
  1. Using local project:
In the serverless.yml plugin's section, configure the plugin as: 
- ./local_plugins/serverless-sequelize-migrations

You must also clone the plugin's GitHub project into this project's parent directory. There is a configured symlink pointing to a folder in this location.

Run serverless function locally

You can invoke your function locally by using the following command:

serverless invoke local --function hello

Which should result in response similar to the following:

    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": "{\n  \"message\": \"Go Serverless v3.0! Your function executed successfully!\",\n  \"input\": \"\"\n}"